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Be Very Careful


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2013
Winchester, Wy.
There are more homicidal psychopaths out there than anyone wants to think about. Thank science for developing DNA technology. If it wasn't for DNA matching, how many more murderers would still be walking and stalking?

The killer was obviously already in the DNA database. Probably should still be in jail for prior activity.
Agreed, a culture that ceases to prosecute or isolate the evil and debassed of the world will be deprived of the beauty that can exist...

Doesn't take many stories like this to shut down the culture of generosity that has existed in much of the west for near a hundred years. That's a loss, a profound and tragic hard to quantify loss.
If you look at the history of the world, single travelers/campers were often preyed on by bad guys. Here in the US, the pre-colonial West was a very dangerous place and remained so up until after WWII.

As I get older I am more hesitant to camp on my own. The forests have changed. Here in WA state there is no shortage of bad actors in the national forests and state lands within 100 miles of Seattle. I've seen drug deals and other questionable behavior, trash and human feces at trail heads, and having your car broken into at trail heads and other well-known parking areas has become the norm. Yes, a lot of this is because as a society we tolerate it instead of putting a stop to it. We all know what would have happened in the 1950s if a person was caught breaking into another's car at a trail head... a butt-whooping at the least. If this happened during hunting season where the car owner had a hunting firearm, well, it wouldn't have been unexpected to have the criminal shot. The real problem, IMO, is the prevalence of drugs and the resultant behavior of addicts who need to feed their habit and will do so by any means at hand. There is no thought put into right and wrong, or even what the consequences could be.

I travel, hunt, and camp with a defensive handgun in addition to any hunting arms. It's a PITA, and in a perfect world I shouldn't have to do it. We don't live in a perfect world, and it seems that too many people are okay with letting it decay further.
There are more homicidal psychopaths out there than anyone wants to think about. Thank science for developing DNA technology. If it wasn't for DNA matching, how many more murderers would still be walking and stalking?

The killer was obviously already in the DNA database. Probably should still be in jail for prior activity.
I agree 100%
In this case, it was reported that the killer went back to the campsite and took anything he felt could have his DNA.
He missed the beer can.
He was in the system with 4 previous DUIs. That's also how they were able to take him into custody to begin with- he was ordered to stay clean.
Once he was in custody, with the evidence they had he admitted it.

Bad deal and yes, makes one wonder if he needs to pack for the lowlifes in the woods now too.
Years ago there was some serial killers that were going to the Appalachian Trail and other Mountain trails to use as their killing grounds.
I did a LOT of backpacking through the AT to train for mountain climbing all through MT Mitchell, Mt LeConte, Clingmans Dome. ect... (Mt Ranier, Mt Denali).
There was a lot of Black Bear and wild hogs in those areas. The Federal Lands prohibited carrying Hand Guns. Besides the Bears and Hogs there was "Serial Killers". I always carried my dad's Remington Rand .45 Auto that he carried in WWII.
Was not going to be attacked by Bear, Hogs or Human Predators!