Your advise on back pack Bull hunt


Active Member
Jun 13, 2021
Longrangehuting members the best for advice!
Being old and perhaps last solo backpack Bull tag can't decide on rifle. Killed most my elk with 30 caliber with 200 grain bullets but set up is every bit of ten and a half pounds. Have a hot custom 27 Nosler set up shooting 150 Accubonds at barley 7 pounds.
Big open country but usually can come up with 300 to 400 yard shot. If I get quarters up hanging in the field trip out not too bad because I can walk out and drive home for
my two mules a day latter. Do not camp with my mules anymore in this area because lack of feed, water and I prefer hunting to baby sitting beasts. For the pack in at 72 and sitting behind a desk too much this year managing back packing weight on my mind.
your thoughts,
I agree that the 27 nosler will work great. There is no doubt it will put an elk on the ground very effectively. You've probably thought of this but I'll mention it anyway. Is there any way to have the mules to pack your camp in and then someone take them home. Not that I wouldn't still take the 27 nosler but sure could have a nicer camp.
I much appreciate your thoughts and confidence in the 27N. My mules are both riders but I would not trust folks I know to get in and out done safely. I do take them in about a week before season to add some fresh stuff and a few beers to my stash in a tree I have used for decades. I have back packed in for actual hunt so many years I should be on auto pilot just a hell of a lot slower. Thanks!!
It sounds like you are already pretty much doing what I was thinking. You are just doing it yourself. That's what I use to do. Had a certain amount of stuff stashed then used my animals to pack in and set up a decent camp. Then took them out so I didn't have to take care of them. I sincerely hope that this won't be your last trip. Best wishes, be safe and good luck.
Congratulations. Very nice bull. Glad it all worked out. Again I hope this isn't your last. Hope you have a great day.
Your pack choice really depends on what you're after. Day Pack, overnight, multi day? Do you plan on packing meat out on your pack?
For the money it's hard to beat Kuiu, same frame, multiple bag sizes that attach, same frame multiple options far as bag size and configurations. Also standard length frame, and XL for us taller individuals. Truly the most versatile pack system. Stone glacier also makes a very well constructed and durable pack as well. Both systems make caring the basics to packing out comfortable and easy. Also Kafaru makes a very durable and tuff pack as well.
TopPin ~
You young dudes are so into the very most current engineered backpacking gear. Versatile is great value but 85 pounds of meat takes a toll more or less with the best of designs. Make good longterm choices on taking care of your body a high priority to lengthen your big game hunting sport. Consider either not getting old or not overly beating up your body too often prior to a high priority hunt. Thanks for your suggestions and best wishes for many decades of adventures.
This is awesome! Congrats on the bull. I hope to be hunting backcountry still when I'm 72. Absolutely amazing. I've already beat my body up with years in the military I hope I can stretch it out to be able to do what yo did this fall.