GMO free game birds for eating Training your bird dogs Question.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2022
I'm doing some research to see if there might be a call for me to start raising game birds.
Quail Chukers Pheasants.
For the purpose of eating, as well as training your dogs.

I think to make this work on my end of things I would need to connect with bird hunter/trainers clubs like Pheasants forever the ruffed grouse society ect..

If you'd all be willing to give me some feed back on this it will help me to see if there may be a market for organic .non- GMO game birds.
Hey MI264, I don't know if Pheasants Forever would be helpful in this endeavor. I'd be looking for restaurants, butcher markets, etc to see if they would like to buy birds. Most serious bird trainers use pigeons because they're easy and tough birds. All the hunt type Clubs usually raise their own birds.
Good luck and Take Care
How much more are you going to charge than ones who eat non organic or gmo feed? Trainers aren't going to want to pay a nickel more for all that organic/non-gmo stuff. If you were selling ducks higher because of it, I would not buy them from you.
When I was a teenager I sold pigeons to dog trainers and hunt clubs in the thumb area of MI. I would catch them at night in barns and silos.
Take Care
How much more are you going to charge than ones who eat non organic or gmo feed? Trainers aren't going to want to pay a nickel more for all that organic/non-gmo stuff. If you were selling ducks higher because of it, I would not buy them from you.
Well my take on the Health food industry (Big Business, is, I personal think it mostly turned into a money market piece of pigeon poop to say the least. Maybe I need to use the word Natural grown and raised, but use the the most known word so that folks would understand what I was , am, trying to do, and what I'm talking about. So with all that said I want to keep prices at a just above cost to me. The only way I see as of now to makes this work is to have a market to hunters, trainers families who want to have an option for quality meet. As Ricky C said restaurants. I would have to seek out as many outlets as possible, and here is my start. Talking to those who are bird hunters, and trainers.
My father raised them for years at my present home . Great eggs just need to double up on them . He sold them to several places and was licensed so he could sell live or processed with a tag to make them legal . It is a lot of work , but I was in my 20s and we would shoot them instead of clay pigeons ! We also had the best trained Springer Spaniels , put them in the pens with the birds as pups . I quit carrying my shotgun and let dog catch them . Best thing was if we released them at our place and didn't shoot them , they would come back to the pen !
Well my take on the Health food industry (Big Business, is, I personal think it mostly turned into a money market piece of pigeon poop to say the least. Maybe I need to use the word Natural grown and raised, but use the the most known word so that folks would understand what I was , am, trying to do, and what I'm talking about. So with all that said I want to keep prices at a just above cost to me. The only way I see as of now to makes this work is to have a market to hunters, trainers families who want to have an option for quality meet. As Ricky C said restaurants. I would have to seek out as many outlets as possible, and here is my start. Talking to those who are bird hunters, and trainers.
Raise mallards too, there was a shortage of birds for a lot of tests and trials.

Doing pure organic/non-gmo will be expensive. Like you said natural grown or have a big flight pen with natural habitat and call it free range like the chicken people do. I'll bet a lot of birds are eating gmo and or non-organic grains in the wild because it's what most farmers are going to be growing. We have people try to do the organic thing with pork and the cost is astronomical and they can't recoup the cost at competitive market prices.
Raise mallards too, there was a shortage of birds for a lot of tests and trials.

Doing pure organic/non-gmo will be expensive. Like you said natural grown or have a big flight pen with natural habitat and call it free range like the chicken people do. I'll bet a lot of birds are eating gmo and or non-organic grains in the wild because it's what most farmers are going to be growing. We have people try to do the organic thing with pork and the cost is astronomical and they can't recoup the cost at competitive market prices.
You are correct GSRetrievers, again why that has gotten so out of hand cost wise. I've been around this rotation of the sun for 66 years, and the one thing i have learn is no one can make it a 100% Organic anything, but we can try and be as chemically free as possible.
If one can grow their feed without chemicals herbicides and pesticides and keep the country from sending the crop dusters out, that's our best chance
You are correct GSRetrievers, again why that has gotten so out of hand cost wise. I've been around this rotation of the sun for 66 years, and the one thing i have learn is no one can make it a 100% Organic anything, but we can try and be as chemically free as possible.
If one can grow their feed without chemicals herbicides and pesticides and keep the country from sending the crop dusters out, that's our best chance
Oh, it can be done, using gmo seed. Several multi-state produce farmers told me you basically have to choose non-gmo (spray the fire out of the crop) or organic (use gmo seed). I'll be the first to say I go the gmo route and minimize my spray applications. In my orchard fields I do use herbicides in my tree rows regularly during growing season.
Oh, it can be done, using gmo seed. Several multi-state produce farmers told me you basically have to choose non-gmo (spray the fire out of the crop) or organic (use gmo seed). I'll be the first to say I go the gmo route and minimize my spray applications. In my orchard fields I do use herbicides in my tree rows regularly during growing season.
Totally up to you. I watched a video today that a guy scraped what ever was on the outside of his apple and used it as fire starter. Personally for me. I think not.
Totally up to you. I watched a video today that a guy scraped what ever was on the outside of his apple and used it as fire starter. Personally for me. I think not.
Probably a paraffin to increase time of oxidation to prolong shelf life. It sounds great not to have preservatives on your food, but imagine the waste you'd have if you were producing food without using them. A lot of produce would go to stores dirty or not make it to the store before it was no good. Growing for your family or small customer base on a small scale may work but feeding a large population would get pricey.
Probably a paraffin to increase time of oxidation to prolong shelf life. It sounds great not to have preservatives on your food, but imagine the waste you'd have if you were producing food without using them. A lot of produce would go to stores dirty or not make it to the store before it was no good. Growing for your family or small customer base on a small scale may work but feeding a large population would get pricey.
People eat chemical crap because they don't know they're being poisned, and maybe the farmer know what they're putting on the fields, maybe some are blind, or have no knowledge of the long term effects of such chemicals maybe some just look at paying off their equipment and think , hey everyone else is doing it, so they except that for a way to justify why they do it, doesn't mean I need to contribute to it. People need to work smarter, not just have something that benefits them to produce mass amounts of toxins for the money in ones wallets. I understand farmers need to pay for their $100,000.00 tractors and combines, but there in it's self is the problem, then the gov't owns you, and, and the bank owns you, and you (Farmers), are murdering people of slow deaths, cancer with endocrine disrupters Mad cow, and chronic brain dieses come from this type of Big Ag. Dieses that people have today, are all man made, Nature does not produce any one dieses that will kill a human being, but nature has cures for anything man comes up with, with the exception of bullets. So I can imagine the waste, but the waste I see is in the lives of people, and what this kind of farming brings to everything in nature, and farming and farmer can do, and have done without it for hundreds of years before greed to hold.
People eat chemical crap because they don't know they're being poisned, and maybe the farmer know what they're putting on the fields, maybe some are blind, or have no knowledge of the long term effects of such chemicals maybe some just look at paying off their equipment and think , hey everyone else is doing it, so they except that for a way to justify why they do it, doesn't mean I need to contribute to it. People need to work smarter, not just have something that benefits them to produce mass amounts of toxins for the money in ones wallets. I understand farmers need to pay for their $100,000.00 tractors and combines, but there in it's self is the problem, then the gov't owns you, and, and the bank owns you, and you (Farmers), are murdering people of slow deaths, cancer with endocrine disrupters Mad cow, and chronic brain dieses come from this type of Big Ag. Dieses that people have today, are all man made, Nature does not produce any one dieses that will kill a human being, but nature has cures for anything man comes up with, with the exception of bullets. So I can imagine the waste, but the waste I see is in the lives of people, and what this kind of farming brings to everything in nature, and farming and farmer can do, and have done without it for hundreds of years before greed to hold.
Or before the population that currently inhabits the earth. BSE that you mentioned was not lab grown. 100k tractor, that thing must be wore slam out. Good luck on your endeavor.
How much more are you going to charge than ones who eat non organic or gmo feed? Trainers aren't going to want to pay a nickel more for all that organic/non-gmo stuff. If you were selling ducks higher because of it, I would not buy them from you.
I am curious about that, too. There are already established companies that sell exotic meats ( It might be a bad idea for personal consumption, though. Similarly, I saw an FB post that some prefer raising quail over chickens because they are easier, quicker, and have less cost/maintenance to raise.