Handlebars, PA elk

I would like to think that Frank and the other guys in PA would know

..been stirring for awhile now and for whatever reason really exploded this year. I know that the powers to be are aware and trying to work out some type of compromise, hopefully they can come up a real solution to this problem...if nothing else high fence the entire eastern edge, if it takes 40 miles, so be it...all state land for the most part so have at it.
Man that bull definitely has some hay forks in front.
Nice job!
I wonder if those elk were transported from Utah desert
And they are just confused about whether they are elk or whitetail. 😂
When it comes to the state owned land, the powers to be is the DCNR, not the Pa game commission.
The forestry dept. within the DCNR, raises more money than any other state agency due to tree sales to logging companies.
Which is why the DCNR and not the game commission controls the number of antlerless deer tags issued on state owned land.
Their main interest is trees, not deer numbers, nor elk numbers either if it comes down to it.
There is little doubt that the game commission is looking at the elk herd as a cash source in order to offset the decline in revenue due to the lower numbers of licenses being sold.
Of coarse they also have the many thousands of acres of game commission owned land bought with funds derived from the sale of hunting licenses over many decades.

All government agencies are initially created in order to fulfill a need.
Over time the need often becomes the continuation of the agency itself.
The elk herd has no doubt increased the number of tourists to an otherwise poor area of the state over the last couple of decades.
But that came at a cost in overall resident hunter numbers to that area as well, due to a significant drop in deer numbers.
And the same can be said of the once abundant numbers of Pheasants in many areas of the state.
Not to mention groundhogs as well.
All of which have contributed to the lower number of licenses being sold.
The game commission should be very concerned that they will ultimately become just another division of the DCNR.