Prayers for all those hit by hurricane last week .Its one of the worse in a long time

Thanks for all the kind comments
We moved from North Atl to south GA last year to be near grandkids.. Adel GA to be exact. 20 min north of Valdosta
3rd hurricane since we moved… !

Not fun! Our house survived and things outside got pushed around.
The center of the Hurricane came right though where we live.
Calm about 1:30 am and started up again.

I just had a 12 foot HD wooden deer tower stand built for Nov Hunting season in VA. Weighs about 600 lbs The 100+ mph wind moved it around like a toy.

Many many others to the right of us and south got hit so much worse: Nashville GA and also Valdosta that is completely destroyed again!
It literally looks like a war zone.

We have been without power since Thursday night and no water as we are on a well that is electric.

But we prepared as much as possible and pray for the others affected much worse than us
Thanks for all the kind comments
We moved from North Atl to south GA last year to be near grandkids.. Adel GA to be exact. 20 min north of Valdosta
3rd hurricane since we moved… !

Not fun! Our house survived and things outside got pushed around.
The center of the Hurricane came right though where we live.
Calm about 1:30 am and started up again.

I just had a 12 foot HD wooden deer tower stand built for Nov Hunting season in VA. Weighs about 600 lbs The 100+ mph wind moved it around like a toy.

Many many others to the right of us and south got hit so much worse: Nashville GA and also Valdosta that is completely destroyed again!
It literally looks like a war zone.

We have been without power since Thursday night and no water as we are on a well that is electric.

But we prepared as much as possible and pray for the others affected much worse than us

I'm in Valdosta. If I can help with anything let me know. I'm limited by ALS but not helpless. Pm me. Prayers for all🙏🏻
I'm in Aiken, SC. We had pretty severe damage in area and so many trees and power poles, some with transformers attached, down. By God's grace and the diligence of the line crews, we received power back yesterday afternoon. Many areas it may be a couple of weeks yet. A lot of people are coming together to help each other and that's a blessing. Thanks to everyone for the prayers, we know God is in control.
My house is between Asheville and Canton. I can't believe that I didn't lose a single tree and no water damage. I thought the hurricane would hit my farm in South Carolina, so I took my generator, chain saw, and fuel cans to the farm. I'll be returning to help members of our church. Most are elderly.
Sendero 72
If you would, send me the name of your church and the name of the pastor. We would like to send help for this congregation.
The Asheville airport ramp was the busiest I've ever seen yesterday. 90% I saw and heard on the radio was emergency relief…A lot of vfr traffic in general aviation planes bringing in supplies. FEMA trailer was there too. On my way in and out I could definitely see major flooding and was hearing grumblings of it being worse than reported.

I'm in Aiken, SC. We had pretty severe damage in area and so many trees and power poles, some with transformers attached, down. By God's grace and the diligence of the line crews, we received power back yesterday afternoon. Many areas it may be a couple of weeks yet. A lot of people are coming together to help each other and that's a blessing. Thanks to everyone for the prayers, we know God is in control.
Amen Brother!
I got missed by the hurricane just by a hair we got flooding but very little wind.I talked to alot of friends who lost houses cars and most of everything they owned in this hurricane .They also lost all the meat in their freezers too .One friend said his farm in south ga looked like a blemder went through his woods all his ladders stsnds were wrapped around trees .There are 600 people missimg in NC alot of hunters and 128 dead so far I have tried to find all my friends in the paths of the storms .I am giving alot of hunting stuff to hunters who lost everything .Ashville NC is only 50 miles from my cabin pretty close tons of prayers sent
Stop this ridiculous archaic BS. Prayers & religious beliefs did NOTHING to stop this or any other natural disaster. It sure as fake hell won't do a **** thing to help anyone after the fact. If any of you really wanted to make a difference, get off of your knees, unclasp your **** hands, stop talking to yourself & actually go do something that is actually helpful.
Here's the truth, 2 hands working will ALWAYS get more done than 2 million hands clasped in prayer.
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Thank you, your prayers and support are desperately needed by our residents. The people of Northeast Tennessee and Western North Carolina are suffering. immensely. I live in Carter County, Tennessee on the Watauga River about 10 miles downstream from the Watauga Dam. The tailwaters of this river extend to Boone, NC. This river enters Tennessee and passes through Watauga Lake. Elk River also runs into this lake from NC. This lake is large (approximately 19 miles long and excess of 300 feet deep in some places) and is at the top of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) chain. We have had a dry summer here and the TVA was in the process of drawing down the lake to winter pool level. This became enormously important for all of us who live below the dam. The runoff from the storm filled the lake to the highest capacity EVER in less than 24 hours. On Friday morning, we were hit by the full storm and the lake was at near capacity. The Watauga Dam continued to hold the water. However, other tributaries such the Doe River and Stoney Creek enter the Watauga River below the Watauga Dam. Elizabethton TN is the location of the intersection of the Doe River, Stoney Creek, and the Watauga River. Elizabethton TN, Roan Mountain TN, Hampton TN received extensive flood damage. Many people in these areas continue to suffer from the lack of clean water, electricity, communication, food, transportation difficulties, and the loss of their homes. Remember, there are trees across roads and powerlines everywhere. Friday and Saturday became all about SURVIVAL for many and several did not survive in NC and Unicoi County, TN. The Watauga River level was the highest it has been, since the flood in the early1940's, before the Watauga Dam was constructed. I heard, the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee received the highest rainfall ever recorded.

TVA decided that the dam had to be relived. Sometime between 11:00 and 12:00 on Friday morning, water was released and continues, now. I lost all communication on Friday and did not know what was going on upstream. The water climbed fast all day, leveled off at about 4:45pm on Friday, stopping about 50 feet from my house. This may sound like it was not very close, however, this was a wall of water about 200 yds wide, moving extremely fast, with little elevation gain needed. The river could have easily veered to the right due to log jams or rising water, since a cliff borders the river on the far side. I was sure my home was lost as well as my farm. I suffered no losses, but gained more gray hair. The hand of God had to be on my shoulder!

Our neighboring county, Unicoi County TN/Town of Erwin received a blast of water that came down the Nolichucky River through a gorge from NC. They did not have the luxury of a dam on the river. The river completely destroyed a good portion of the town. In true flash flood fashion. it quickly surrounded a hospital and may businesses, then spread. Many were rescued by VA State Police helicopters, Military Blackhawks and First Responders. Two Interstate 26 bridges spanning the river are now in the river. The loss of life continues to climb in Unicoi TN as well as the counties of NC/Asheville. I had no conception of what happened about 15 miles away until the next day. Many have lost everything, including their lives. Drinking water has become a problem in many areas on the Nolichucky. Water filtration plants and associated piping were completely destroyed. All but one bridge from Erwin TN to Greenville TN were destroyed. The Town Greenville TN lost its ability to filter drinking water.

***Please go to YouTube and check out Johnson City Aerial Photography, LLC Erwin TN
I have no affiliation with these folks. They have a great video of the aftermath.

****Lessons learned: We are living in a changing world with changing weather patterns!
I lost; cell phone coverage, internet, landline telephone, television, many lost electricity. Had no communication with outside world.
Transportaion may become non-existent due to down trees and washed-out bridges.
Safe drinking water may become a problem. Identify wells, springs, other sources that are safe to obtain water from,
Regaining your services may be very slow. Flood happened Friday, I regained cell phone, landline telephone, television, internet, today.
Make sure Emergency Broadcasting in enabled on your cell phone. It is a lifesaver during a flash flood.
Emergency services will become over-taxed.
Know when to evacuate. No one may be able to tell you what is coming.
Get a weather alert radio with extra batteries and charger for your home.
You absolutely must have good flashlights.
Generators are important to preserving food and other essentials.
Never say never, it may be your turn next.
Most important: Have A Plan!

****Help your neighbor. Several people came by to offer help or called before service was lost. Emergency Services will be maxed!
Stop this ridiculous archaic BS. Prayers & religious beliefs did NOTHING to stop this or any other natural disaster. It sure as fake hell won't do a **** thing to help anyone after the fact. If any of you really wanted to make a difference, get off of your knees, uncles your **** hands & actually go do something that is actually helpful.
Wow, i but u are fun at parties!
Regardless of ur belief, that is quite a harsh response to anyone who seeks scriptural comfort.
Ecclesiastes 9:11 spoken by Soloman under inspiration helps us see that time and unforseen occurance befall us all..

"I have seen something further under the sun, that the swift do not always win the race, nor do the mighty win the battle,+ nor do the wise always have the food, nor do the intelligent always have the riches,+ nor do those with knowledge always have success,+because time and unexpected events* overtake them all."

Interesting biblical article on why god permits suffering
While Hurricane Helene wracked damage over a wide area, has caused billions of dollars worth of damage, causing thousands of people to abandon their homes, many never to be seen again outside of a tangle of rubble and ash, and many people killed, a lot of people, stranded and roads washed out, which is truly terrible, how many of you are even aware of the wildfires going on in the Western United States? Since things are changing on an hourly basis check out what is happening out west right now.

What is happening now is similar to what was going on, on October 8, 1871, the date of the Great Chicago Fire, which will live on in infamy despite the fact that another fire was burning a the same time, that destroyed a larger area and killed more people. That fire was, The Great Peshtigo Fire that burned 1.5 million acres of Northern Wisconsin from Green Bay up into Michigan's UP, Jumping across Green Bay and setting fire to another area of Brown County, Kewaunne and Door County. claiming over 1200 lives, to Chicago's 300 something lives and only 3.3 square miles of the city.


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