Buying a used Labradar, what do I need to know before I buy


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2016
Now that a lot of guys are buying the new Garmin Xero C1 I am seeing Labradar complete kits used for under $300 on Ebay and even new units for well under $400.
Always wanted one but my optical chrono worked well enough I couldn't justify spends $600. But $250-$275 for a used one I can do.
Is it a good idea to buy a used labradar or not? And if YES should I buy one particular generation or model VS another? I don't know much about them and right now there is one advertised as LNIB on ebay entire kit including hard sided carry case for under $300.
What little research I have done tells of some issues with used Labradars ports for connecting cables to becoming so loose they need replacing and people have posted claims that Labradar is not that welcoming about repairs to second hand unit bought used I have no way to confirm this as true but it does make one think. Also can there be any software update issues with older Labradar models that can cause problems.

Like to add or should I wait a bit and see if used Labradar prices for them come down any.

I would use it for everything from 22lr to centerfire rifles HG's and archery.

Advice from Labradar unit owners would be of immeasurable help,
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Save up for a Garmin. It is a quantum step up from the LR. I owned a LR for about five years and it served me well for the most part. My biggest problems were missing shots and not being able to capture velocities above 3900 fps. Also having to reposition the unit when switching between rifles with and without a break was a PITA. My unit experienced intermittent connection issues with the battery pack and it took some jiggling to get a solid connection. Appeared that the connection within the LR would likely require replacement at some point. Firmware updates are available online and can be installed easily via an SD card.

If you go the used LR route, I would recommend checking the classifies here. I would rather buy from someone who has used the unit than a reseller.
I have had my LR since they first came out. I use it quite a bit, and have had no issues with it. I plug my battery pack into it as well as the trigger. You can get magnetic power cord adapter, that eliminates socket wear. But I have had no issues.
Mine does not miss shots. I put an aiming device on top and the trigger with the magnet from JKL precision. Also I position the LR next to my rifle, about even with the objective bell of my scope.
The best advice I can give on buying a used labradar, is save your money and buy a Garmin.

I picked up a used labradar pretty cheap, like $100 or something. A friend got it with some other stuff and had no use for it. I had it about a year, maybe a little more and the sucker bricked on me.

I would miss a shot occasionally if it wasn't aimed at the target just right, and it absolutely refused to work with my 460s&w. Just too much boom for it's little brain I guess.

There was a guy at my gun club a couple weeks ago cussing his LR almost every shot. Although, in his case I think he was the problem.
With the Garmin, you get it out, turn it on, point it downrange, hit the button, and you're off to the races. No muss, no fuss, it just works.

I would buy a used magneto speed over a LR. I owned both at the same time. I never noticed any harm towards accuracy from my magnetospeed. Maybe a little poi shift, but it wasn't much, if any.
I echo what has been said about the Garmin, you can find them for less then $600. Mine was just under $510 to my door and found some a few bucks cheaper but liked the seller I used. Buy the Garmin or wait.
I bought a used almost new LR unit on here. I have had zero issues so far. Once I figured out how to use it. But I don't shoot anything braked, yet. And not sure if it will read 22 LR. But I had no issues with pistol (9 & 10 mm) or rifle. I have yet to try any big boomers, rifle or pistol . Or anything going faster than 4,000 fps. How long the unit holds up, is to be determined. I think if I don't abuse the unit it should last a few years. I do kind of wish I would have just bought a Garmin just because of the size factor. But I am content with my used unit for now.
I probably have more shots on a LR than 99.9% of people that own one. I would conservatively say 30k+ rounds.
No issues with mine. The only upgrade I did was a remote battery pack. No external triggers, no mics, no aiming device.

Mine doesn't miss shots, even suppressed, except with my .22LR suppressed running sub-sonics. Won't pick those up. But it picks up a bow/arrow.

Mine has something loose inside. It rattles. Doesn't affect the operation.

When mine goes, I will go to the Garmin Xero unless something else comes out that is better. I wish LR would release more info on their Labradar LX. Or cut the cost by $100.
Thanks for all the great responses. Will save for the garmin.
I have never seen a LR actually in use. But 5-6 times now at least seen guys at my private gun club use the Garmin and they loved it and I saw 1st hand how well it worked with everything from 22lr to HG's to high powered rifles.
Was impressed and surprised just how well it would pick up 22lr ammo.
I wish LR would release more info on their Labradar LX. Or cut the cost by $100.
Lance I had the original Labradar also. I bought the Labradar LX. I had nothing but trouble with it. Missed a lot of shots. Battery drained fast. Even did updates to cure the problems. It still missed shots. I bought a Garmin Xero.
Lance I had the original Labradar also. I bought the Labradar LX. I had nothing but trouble with it. Missed a lot of shots. Battery drained fast. Even did updates to cure the problems. It still missed shots. I bought a Garmin Xero.
Great info. I have heard next to nothing about them from any source. Which is not a good thing.