Bow Hunter vs Grizzly….Just This Morning

It's, a NON "issue" with, a properly Maintained / Tuned,.. Glock.
The 10 MM is,.. Minimum for, Grizz
Just let him Chew on the Muzzle of your Big 10 Glock, While pulling the trigger,.. SEVERAL times,.. DONE !
No need of, an Old tyme, Revolver,. LOL !
Bet that, Young man, "Up-Grades" to, a 10 MM , Glock, before,. Next Year !
This is what we get up here in communist Canada.
No grizz stands a chance when your packing this bad boy.
It still comes down to the individual circumstance.
Bears can be dangerous if surprised, foraging for food, or especially protecting their young.
And many people still don't know that.

While archery hunting along a gasline, I had a bear come out and sit 20 yards from my stand and start eating grass. Knowing that deer aren't going to come around while it was there, I started waving my arms and telling it to shoo.
He's sitting there looking at me wondering what type of idiot bird I am.
So I decided that if he was going to just sit there, I'd get a few pictures. When the strap broke on my backpack (where I had my phone). It hit the ground and he took off running like it was just shot in the butt!

But on another instance, I was scouting and setting up game cameras. Seeing light through the cedars, I wedged through a small opening to come into a clearing about 25-30 yards in diameter.
Coming from cross wind, the black bear on the other side of the clearing was as surprised as I was.
Started drooling and clicking it's jaws.
I pulled my sidearm. Walther PPS 9mm. Yup, all 7 rounds of 115gr Sierra JHP at my disposal. 😱
Bear stood up and growled. Ok, roared.
Came back to all fours and took a step towards me. 💩
I put a round out in front of it.
It luckily stopped and I slowly backed through the opening in the cedars.

Just goes to show that you never know when a black bear thinks it's a grizzly.

Oh, and I don't carry my PPS while scouting anymore.
I was out picking black berries one fine morning,I heard that claws on bark sound that squirrel hunters know well. I look up and in a tree not 50 feet away are 3 raccoon sized bear cubs. I think, that's cute, then it dawns on me,mom has to be here somewhere, look around and there she is,looking right at me about 25 feet away. Had my .44 DW in my shoulder holster,then in my hand. It was loaded with 265 grain cast bullets that I designed the mould for. It looked like a bb pistol. I backed out and she let me. That was the end of my berry picking for that day! Had to go change shorts.
I know a guy who had a big black bear charge he and his wife while they were scouting for elk. They got out and he took his wife home, borrowed a revolver and went back thinking, "No bear is going to push me out of my hunting place." He spent the better part of the rest of the day looking for that bear with no luck. It's a good thing too because when he got back to his rig, all the borrowed bullets were still sitting on the seat.