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For Sale All my guns

Yep it's a real post and I'm actually getting rid of all my guns. It's a hard thing for me to do so I think it must be necessary. I have been feeling that every time I read the story of the rich man who wants eternal life that it's talking to me. He's been doing all the commandments thinking that it would earn him something from God. And instead of a pat on the back Jesus tells him "one thing you lack sell everything and give it the poor then come follow me." I've read that a thousand times and I can't shake the thought that if God asked me to give up guns I'd go away sad like the rich man. I've been fighting this feeling for years and making all the rationalizations I can for why I should keep my guns. I am finally at the point where I want to get closer to God more than I want to keep my guns. I feel like God is saying to me "if you're really serious you know what you need to do."
Good for you sir. I just had one of the best friends that I've ever had go home last Thursday. In the end all he wanted to do was share Jesus to bring all the people that he could with him. In the end Jesus is all that matters. After this, if you feel you still want a rifle to hunt or such, send me a message and I will bring you one to use and spot your shots for you.
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Just a suggestion. If you truly want to be relieved of this burden and help others you may consider donations to groups that support and help ill children or wounded veterans with a gift of a rifle to go along with the donated hunts. Or put them up for raffle prizes or auctions with the information regarding where the money is going, homeless shelters, battered women, under privileged children, veterans, If you do this I and many others will bid and purchase a chance to win a great rifle, knowing that the proceeds are going for a great cause. There are people in medical need and all kinds of disparate need that could be impacted by this. Just a suggestion. I wish you success in your journey.
Or maybe we could trust his own judgement and give him a fair price for his stuff and then again trust his judgement to give the money to a worthy cause. Then he won't have to violate the rules of the Christian faith and shout his good deeds from the roof tops for selfish gain. And lose all heavenly rewards for doing so.
Should we all become minimalist? How deeply to interpret the word? How to avoid any human urge to infringe into any of the deadly sins? Is the only answer to become as Jesus himself? If God has brought abundance to your life, shouldn't you embrace and enjoy it? If there is so great of an abundance shouldn't you share it? These questions can only be answered us individually. At the end of the day/life you will get the answers. There is no gaming the system because there is no system, only gods law.
The underlying biblical principle has been stated already. Anything can become and idol, when it does that takes the place of God and it becomes sin. It is not wrong to have things but, as humans, we tend to let them become idols.

Each of us knows what our idols are and others may not see it. I have no addictions to alcohol or drugs but know people who are drawn to that. It can be something different for all of us.

I commend the OP for doing this and even more, for stating it publicly, It is not a popular action.

This is a good message explaining that concept: Holiness, idols and the like by Martin Lloyd Jones
Much respect to you Tim or anyone else who follows the prompting they receive! In my own life I've felt like I've needed to prepare for myself, family and friends for something that's coming, not sure what it is but it certainly feels like something is coming down the line that will be more than a bump in the road. I've felt like I've needed to get as prepared as I possibly could for me and the wife, our seven kids and grandkids, not to mention friends and extended family. For me personally the prompting I've felt are stock up. I've been a minimalist most of my life, that all changed about 10 years ago. Now I think I'm a bonfified prepper in regards to guns and ammo, food storage, off grid, wells, and anything else I can do to be prepared to help those I love, it's just what I've felt he would want me to do.
Hard thread for me to follow. I'm guessing I'm missing the picture here. And forgive me for asking or not understanding. What does a collection of guns have to do with god or feeling or being closer to god? Genuine question.
Collection of cars, dried lumber in a wood shed, taxidermy mounts, guns, sports cards, coins, etc. Why a hobby or collection of material items would affect your relationship with god.

Just a little confused here. Anyhow, good luck with your sales and wish you the best.
Hard thread for me to follow. I'm guessing I'm missing the picture here. And forgive me for asking or not understanding. What does a collection of guns have to do with god or feeling or being closer to god? Genuine question.
Collection of cars, dried lumber in a wood shed, taxidermy mounts, guns, sports cards, coins, etc. Why a hobby or collection of material items would affect your relationship with god.

Just a little confused here. Anyhow, good luck with your sales and wish you the best.
It is a fear of one relationship with one's god. Guilt. The mention of a suggestion to possibly help the op with an idea to possibly make a greater impact with the items for sale has challenged other members of this forum. Why?
Hard thread for me to follow. I'm guessing I'm missing the picture here. And forgive me for asking or not understanding. What does a collection of guns have to do with god or feeling or being closer to god? Genuine question.
Collection of cars, dried lumber in a wood shed, taxidermy mounts, guns, sports cards, coins, etc. Why a hobby or collection of material items would affect your relationship with god.

Just a little confused here. Anyhow, good luck with your sales and wish you the best.
Hope this helps...
What the Lord requires of one may not be required of all...for Example, God told Abraham to take his son up on Mt Moriah to sacrifice him. In the end, Abraham was willing to obey God and his faith was greatly rewarded. I have one Son. The Lord has never told me to sacrifice my son. Years ago, it looked like a ministry change was going to require a move. I had worked hard on this old house and property. My son didn't understand why all the work and now sell out and move. In the end, God did not require us to move, but he did require me to be willing. He has blessed my family and me beyond measure. Guess what I'm trying to say in a nutshell is this...these decisions are personal between a man and his Lord. He does not lead us all to do the same thing. The OP is minding what God put in HIS heart. He knows that giving up something good for SOMEONE GREAT is the right thing to do FOR HIM.
Hard thread for me to follow. I'm guessing I'm missing the picture here. And forgive me for asking or not understanding. What does a collection of guns have to do with god or feeling or being closer to god? Genuine question.
Collection of cars, dried lumber in a wood shed, taxidermy mounts, guns, sports cards, coins, etc. Why a hobby or collection of material items would affect your relationship with god.

Just a little confused here. Anyhow, good luck with your sales and wish you the best.
A relationship is not just something between two individuals who choose communicate and interact with each other. A relationship exists when one person develops a connection with someone or something. The relationship is the inclination of the heart. To use the word inclination litterally would mean leaning toward something. I develop a relationship with someone or something when my heart leans towards that person or thing. This relationship is not just with my heart but my mind and body. I spend my mental energy and time thinking about the thing or person I use my physical body and energy to interact with this person or thing. The stronger a relationship I develop with this person or thing the more of my physical mental and emotional energy is tied up in this relationship necessarily reducing the time and energy I spend with other relationships. Here's how the problem developed for me. A collection of guns has nothing to do with God. But building and owning a collection of guns does become a relationship. We all have a relationship to our guns unless they were given to us and we are quite indifferent to their existence. (Like my wife who I have given guns to and she was not even a little interested in receiving or shooting them.) Searching for and buying guns and gun parts became for me an all consuming hobby. I spent hours each day searching the forums for someone selling the barrel or stock o was looking for. I spent hours each day thinking about the guns and how cool they would be when o finally finished the build. I woke up with hope of pm's in my inbox about gun parts, scopes, reloading components etc… For the last 10 years I've spent more time thinking about guns than probably anything else. And this is how a hobby, or a collection of material things affected my relationship with God. It took His place in my mind and schedule and heart. One of the attributes of God is that He is Holy, this means that He will not be grouped together with anyone or anything else. He is in a category all His own high above all the other categories. When my hobby took the place of prominence in my heart where only God should be it became and idol of worship and that's why it has to go. God will not share His throne with anyone and I'm not going to ask Him to any longer.