Shooters World Black powder


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2012
Baltimore, Md
Any experience with this in a 50 cal muzzleloader.
I see it is 3f and lots of info for cowboy action.
I've seen one load for 50cal with 295 sabot pushing at 1700 plus , using 100gr. SW bp.
Can this powder be taken safely to 150gr?
At a price point of about $32 per pound I find it worth looking at.
I'm looking to replace BH 209 at $170 lb.
The people at Shooters World are very reluctant to give any guidance.
About 15 years ago I went to the range with my 50 cal Thompson Center inline determined to find the best powder for my rifle. Up to this point I had shot black powder, Pyrodex, and triple seven pellets. The problem I was having was getting the second load down the barrel. I had even loaded my speed loaders with sabots with thinner walls (.002 - .003 less) for the second or third shot. Anyway, this day I had 3-4 powders with me. Someone at the range ask what I was doing and loaned me one of their powders. That day I shot FF black powder, Pyrodex lose and pellets, the one I was loaned, (don't remember ther name but it looked like little sticks of charcoal), and Blackhorn 209. With black powder, if I didn't swab the barrel the second shot was almost impossible. The other three brands I could get the second shot loaded but the third shot was almost impossible. With the Black Horn 209 I could load 10 shots in a row and the tenth loaded as easily as the first without swabbing the barrel. I haven't shot anything but 209 since that day. Yes the 209 is like buying gold, but I need to know I can load a second shot if I need to finish off a deer. This info and $4 will almost buy you a cup coffee at Starbucks.
Bp and all the subs "work." The question is how much smoke, fouling and corrosion are you willing to deal with.
Never used shooters world, I stick to Goex or Swiss. Flintlocks don't work well with anything but real BP. Yes it fouls but I have never been unable to load subsequent rounds, patched ball in all of them, even in my 32 calibre squirrel rifle. After about 5 shots in any of them, I run a wetted patch in and out and keep shooting. If you are getting that much fouling after a single shot then you either have oil residue in the barrel prior to the first shot, which creates very hard and thick fouling, or some other issue. BP is dirty, but it is no where near that dirty.
About 15 years ago I went to the range with my 50 cal Thompson Center inline determined to find the best powder for my rifle. Up to this point I had shot black powder, Pyrodex, and triple seven pellets. The problem I was having was getting the second load down the barrel. I had even loaded my speed loaders with sabots with thinner walls (.002 - .003 less) for the second or third shot. Anyway, this day I had 3-4 powders with me. Someone at the range ask what I was doing and loaned me one of their powders. That day I shot FF black powder, Pyrodex lose and pellets, the one I was loaned, (don't remember ther name but it looked like little sticks of charcoal), and Blackhorn 209. With black powder, if I didn't swab the barrel the second shot was almost impossible. The other three brands I could get the second shot loaded but the third shot was almost impossible. With the Black Horn 209 I could load 10 shots in a row and the tenth loaded as easily as the first without swabbing the barrel. I haven't shot anything but 209 since that day. Yes the 209 is like buying gold, but I need to know I can load a second shot if I need to finish off a deer. This info and $4 will almost buy you a cup coffee at Starbucks.
I do use the BH209. just looking for a cost effective alternative. I've shot Pyrodex for years and was sometimes wanting better performance.
Then about 8 years ago I bought a CVA in 50 cal and have been loving it. The power increase with Bh209 is amazing. As we all have seen however is that it was almost impossible to find. And then the price increase.
As I do have some where I can shoot for some time , I am willing to look around now. With what the price is now , I estimate a cost of $2.70 just for the powder every time I pull the trigger. That does not include tax and shipping.
I own a TC Triumph .50 Cal. I tried BH209 and the 1st shot was clean and fast ignition. Second was a hang fire as well as the third. Cleaned the barrel and primer pocket used new Winchester 209 primers. Second try same thing.1st shot good, second was hang fire. I gave up on BH 209. And went back to pyrodex pellets. No issues. I'm guessing I needed a different ignition system. Anyone else have this problem?
I own a TC Triumph .50 Cal. I tried BH209 and the 1st shot was clean and fast ignition. Second was a hang fire as well as the third. Cleaned the barrel and primer pocket used new Winchester 209 primers. Second try same thing.1st shot good, second was hang fire. I gave up on BH 209. And went back to pyrodex pellets. No issues. I'm guessing I needed a different ignition system. Anyone else have this problem?
In my CVA I had to get a breechplug designed for BH209. Never a problem. I had an old Knight that I used for years. I bought a new Knight and had the same problems as you with the TC. It takes a very hot flame to ignite BH209. Once done it is worth it.
I sold the Knight.
CVA knew from the getgo what was needed and had the right breechplug. Perhaps TC has one also.
I also use CCI209M primers.
I own a TC Triumph .50 Cal. I tried BH209 and the 1st shot was clean and fast ignition. Second was a hang fire as well as the third. Cleaned the barrel and primer pocket used new Winchester 209 primers. Second try same thing.1st shot good, second was hang fire. I gave up on BH 209. And went back to pyrodex pellets. No issues. I'm guessing I needed a different ignition system. Anyone else have this problem?
You shouldn't have any issues with a TC rifle and plug. No special plugs needed as with CVA. Make sure you're drilling out the carbon from the flash channel. Which bullets/sabots? Bh209 requires a tight fitting projectile to build pressure. Check out the ignition guidelines if you haven't already.

I'll probably catch some crap for this, and I am not recommending it. I have a cva optima v2. Nothing special. But we don't have a long muzzleloader season here in ky so I wasn't spending a bunch on one. I've shot bh209, pyrodex, 777. Bh out performed them. After getting tired of the gas sometimes blowing back in my face from them all, I switched to a Hankins ignition. Took care of that issue. I also switched to 45gr of n120…. A simple breach plug swap to a Hankins system and n120 is all I did. Shoots great with no smoke or fouling.. lol. I don't recommend, but that's what I did and would do it again. Shoots 265 grain fury's at 2100fps. The Hankins system is setup for lrm primers. It will get you away from the 209s. I run fed 215 primers in mine.
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