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For Sale All my guns

Yep it's a real post and I'm actually getting rid of all my guns. It's a hard thing for me to do so I think it must be necessary. I have been feeling that every time I read the story of the rich man who wants eternal life that it's talking to me. He's been doing all the commandments thinking that it would earn him something from God. And instead of a pat on the back Jesus tells him "one thing you lack sell everything and give it the poor then come follow me." I've read that a thousand times and I can't shake the thought that if God asked me to give up guns I'd go away sad like the rich man. I've been fighting this feeling for years and making all the rationalizations I can for why I should keep my guns. I am finally at the point where I want to get closer to God more than I want to keep my guns. I feel like God is saying to me "if you're really serious you know what you need to do."
Prayer's for fellow member and Brother.
Just a suggestion. If you truly want to be relieved of this burden and help others you may consider donations to groups that support and help ill children or wounded veterans with a gift of a rifle to go along with the donated hunts. Or put them up for raffle prizes or auctions with the information regarding where the money is going, homeless shelters, battered women, under privileged children, veterans, If you do this I and many others will bid and purchase a chance to win a great rifle, knowing that the proceeds are going for a great cause. There are people in medical need and all kinds of disparate need that could be impacted by this. Just a suggestion. I wish you success in your journey.