My daughter ended up liking a ground blind a few years back, so last year for her birthday in October, I bought her one of those see through blinds. We set it up on our property in the woods on flat ground. Hunting out of it, and a field opening weekend. The following weekend, we had something come up (stuff always comes up during gun season), and couldnt make it out. My step brother had his daughter with him in it once, another time, then went further out back, and into the steep hollar. He ended up texting me that weekend asking if I had put up a tree stand on the back of our property at the bottome of the hollar. Told him I hadnt. It was taken down. My step father went about asking a few close neibhors about it. Everyone said no, etc, they were not the type to do stuff like that. There were some suspicions of another family though.
The last weekend we came out, our blind was gone. So, guessing whomevers stand that was, noticed it missing, and came up top, saw the blind and took it.
Anyone else experienced things like this, and how did you handle it? I have some no tresspassing signs / no hunting signs that I plan to put out. But if our suspisions are correct on whom it was, someone who has had a past history of poaching, drugs, and theft.