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For Sale All my guns

God and I get close hunting together.

Whenever I am having deep issues in my life, I either get on the motorcycle or grab a rifle or bow and go hunting.

Even moreso than going to Church, something about being in the woods (or putting around on a bike) and being one with God has really helped me through some difficult times.

@Timnterra- God bless you on your journey. I believe your post has gotten many of us thinking about worldly possessions and the need to rethink our priorities!

Whenever I am having deep issues in my life, I either get on the motorcycle or grab a rifle or bow and go hunting.

Even moreso than going to Church, something about being in the woods (or putting around on a bike) and being one with God has really helped me through some difficult times.

@Timnterra- God bless you on your journey. I believe your post has gotten many of us thinking about worldly possessions and the need to rethink our priorities!
I also find myself feeling closer to God when I'm out there experiencing Him in creation. I'm not giving up hunting just my gun addiction. I will be out chasing deer and elk and antelope every season, my life will just be simpler and I'll have to work a lot harder and get a lot closer to get one.
I also find myself feeling closer to God when I'm out there experiencing Him in creation. I'm not giving up hunting just my gun addiction. I will be out chasing deer and elk and antelope every season, my life will just be simpler and I'll have to work a lot harder and get a lot closer to get one.
I hope that you'll keep your connection to all of us through LRH, but I cannot blame you if that doesn't happen.
It'd be kind of like going to AA meetings at a bar.
All of us place something as lord over our lives, we choose a master and enslave ourselves to it. Work, sports, cars, women, hoarding up stuff that brings us temporary happiness while also bringing us emptiness and longing for the next "fix". We set our faith in the rifle and the perfect load and when it lets us down we say we did something wrong. Things of this world will always let us down, we can't even rely on faith in ourselves! Jesus Christ died for you and he is the only one you should call Lord! The only one you should enslave yourself to and He richly rewards His servants and God the Father greatly blesses those that follow Him! Fulfillment, forgiveness, and wisdom can only come from Him and He blesses with so much more than we can imagine.
Well said!
Yep it's a real post and I'm actually getting rid of all my guns. It's a hard thing for me to do so I think it must be necessary. I have been feeling that every time I read the story of the rich man who wants eternal life that it's talking to me. He's been doing all the commandments thinking that it would earn him something from God. And instead of a pat on the back Jesus tells him "one thing you lack sell everything and give it the poor then come follow me." I've read that a thousand times and I can't shake the thought that if God asked me to give up guns I'd go away sad like the rich man. I've been fighting this feeling for years and making all the rationalizations I can for why I should keep my guns. I am finally at the point where I want to get closer to God more than I want to keep my guns. I feel like God is saying to me "if you're really serious you know what you need to do."
Tim,my hats off to you and it thrills me to hear of someone answering the call as they understand it n I'm slowly getting rid of things n at some point I want to be willing to sell my guns etc if that's what I feel the next step is cause in the end it's all gonna burn up anyway……God bless !
Tim, I commend you first.

God has a way of using people as instruments and I happen to know a man who was in your position, he actually was able to use his guns and love of the outdoors to reach people thru a ministry in the outdoors, teaching other men how to respect and commune with nature all while passing his passion and love for God along. He uses it as a ministry to reach others, he used it on me and it was a powerful moment in the middle of a sunflower patch, something I will never forget,
Awsome sir.
Tim,my hats off to you and it thrills me to hear of someone answering the call as they understand it n I'm slowly getting rid of things n at some point I want to be willing to sell my guns etc if that's what I feel the next step is cause in the end it's all gonna burn up anyway……God bless !
Yes it will and I'm pretty sure the match to start the fire is soon to be struck
Tim, as you can tell we are encouraged by you and we are lifting you up in our prayers. I pray that you always push off the things of this world that weasel their way between you and God. The biggest struggles in life is doing the right thing, the righteous thing, the Godly thing.
I am sorry that your post for selling the rifles may not be going the way you might have expected but I hope you found that you have plenty of support from other brothers in Christ.
Don't look back my brother, never question if you did the right thing. You are!
Yep it's a real post and I'm actually getting rid of all my guns. It's a hard thing for me to do so I think it must be necessary. I have been feeling that every time I read the story of the rich man who wants eternal life that it's talking to me. He's been doing all the commandments thinking that it would earn him something from God. And instead of a pat on the back Jesus tells him "one thing you lack sell everything and give it the poor then come follow me." I've read that a thousand times and I can't shake the thought that if God asked me to give up guns I'd go away sad like the rich man. I've been fighting this feeling for years and making all the rationalizations I can for why I should keep my guns. I am finally at the point where I want to get closer to God more than I want to keep my guns. I feel like God is saying to me "if you're really serious you know what you need to do."
I think each one of us has this feeling in one way or another.
If this is how you feel then good for you to follow through.
Mine seems to be just the opposite for some reason, hopefully I will find out what that means soon.
I feel that God is telling us individually what is expected of us.
It is our choice/responsability to listen and follow
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I don't know how many other people who are followers of God have the feeling that something huge is coming soon.
But for the past 5 years for me it's like something truly biblical is coming soon. Each year it feels like it's getting closer and closer. I look around and see so many just doing what they have always done with no regard to anything in life.
I too have been in a similar place. Praise God! Many men have pushed aside when God spoke to them and probably today God has quit speaking to them. God created all these things for us. The beautiful mountains and wood with an abundance of game to hunt and eat. He even allowed us to have what we needed to subdue them for our benefit. It is not the things that God began to convict me about. It was the time that I spent over indulging in instead of spending time with him. I had to face the fact I spent way to much time with hobby's than I did reading his word and his work. God has allowed me to keep my guns and still enjoy the outdoors and hunting but it is not the priority in my life. He has changed my desires when I give up what I wanted for what he wanted. I believe he would have taken those things from me if I had not. He is a righteous and Holy God he would have right in doing so. He has been merciful and long suffering with me. We will continually lift you up in prayer brother



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