And here you go!

I like some of the comments on that article, the 6.5 c, match bullets are not hunting bullets, go big or go home and us peasants are represented šŸ¤£

If I go that big I'm going with either the 338 terminator or 33xc and possibly a 375 cheytec
This is why I sold my Edge, great cartridge, but I wanted more downrange horsepower.
I developed my 416 Rigby Improved wildcats in 2001, the 33XC is very close to my designs and has a little less capacity, however a great design, I am going to transition into, with both the 33XC and 37XC. My shoulder angles run 40Ā° in 37 and 45Ā° in 33, 30 started at 35Ā° but is now 40Ā°. 45Ā° in 30cal is a consideration, or maybe I'll just go 30XC? Decisions, decisions, decisions.

As long as your in the Mood to Pace ya go ! Lol
My Heart Dr. Told me to walk as much as possible! I would love to join you ! šŸ˜ŽView attachment 601448

Rum Man
Well that one would at least be more believable. lol
Why the scope jacked up that high?
Puny little rum need a bit of help making it that far? lol
If your interested, i could email you some pics of good shooting bench and shooting tripod setups.
Rinky dink dosent work very well for what your attempting to do. lol
Well that one would at least be more believable. lol
Why the scope jacked up that high?
Puny little rum need a bit of help making it that far? lol
If your interested, i could email you some pics of good shooting bench and shooting tripod setups.
Rinky dink dosent work very well for what your attempting to do. lol
No I'm actually doing very well with that Bench ! 3027 yards (1.72 miles ) and I shot a 3 shot 26 3/4 " group .
Oh that's a 338 Edge in the picture . Plus if you do any long range shooting you would know that the Scope needs that much Elevation to Shoot that far !

That Rifle had a 55 min Nightforce base and a 200 min. Valdada adj.base.
It worked Flawlessly!

Rum Man
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No I'm actually doing very well with that Bench ! 3027 yards (1.72 miles ) and I shot a 3 shot 26 3/4 " group .
Oh that's a 338 Edge in the picture . Plus if you do any long range shooting you would know that the Scope needs that much Elevation to Shoot that far !

That Rifle had a 55 min Nightforce base and a 200 min. Valdada adj.base.
It worked Flawlessly!

Rum Man
Actually, ive done quite alot of long range shooting.
And also some extreme range shooting, which i personally consider a waste of time and ammo.
Unless of coarse your involved in the competitive aspect of it.
And frankly, if it wasent that i enjoy the glassing part of long range hunting as much as i do, i would probably not own some of the guns i have.
As for groups at long range and extreme range distances, consider that the current 10 shot world group record for 1000 yard ( heavy bench ) guns, is about 2 and 3/4 inches in laymens terms.
And it has been held by the same man for well beyond a decade.
Also consider that it is only about 1/4" smaller than the previous record which was held by a different man for about 14 years.
And, the current world record (heavy gun) group is only about an inch smaller than the record set in 1986.
Proving just how far weve come in our ability to shoot small groups at long distances.
Also proving that regardless as to how good we are, or think we are, we will only be as good on any given day as the conditions will allow us to be.
Oh, l can understand the answer, the trouble l am having is understanding the concept.

If I may answerā€¦..assuming that he and I are on the same page.

It's merely the challenge to achieve a long range clean kill on game. It's no different than an athlete wanting to run the fastest, jump the highest, jump the farthest, for many people run a sub-3 hr marathonā€¦ā€¦a challenge to yourself to be the best you can be! memtb
If I may answerā€¦..assuming that he and I are on the same page.

It's merely the challenge to achieve a long range clean kill on game. It's no different than an athlete wanting to run the fastest, jump the highest, jump the farthest, for many people run a sub-3 hr marathonā€¦ā€¦a challenge to yourself to be the best you can be! memtb
I dont agree with that at all.
While it might be true of some people, my experience of being associated with a whole lot of long range hunters over a very long period of time shows a much different picture.
Yes, its a different way of hunting game than some of the more traditional ways many of us go about it.
But then so is fly fishing for fish as opposed to sitting on a creek bank with a can of worms.
Some might trade the creek bank for some type of a boat, and maybe a different rod, but otherwise their method dosent change.
Fly fishermen use boats as well, but they probably wont be casting their fly untill they see the fish.
So while both are considered fishermen, the difference between them is considerable.
I started hunting when i was 12 years old in 1947, just a few ridges away from where our present camp is located.
The hunting method we used was the driver and stander method, which was a very common method in those days, and still is to at least some degree in that area.
But like all things, success is to a large degree depending upon the individuals involved.
When i was about 35 years old, and my brother was 40, we had a serious discussion about the deer kill numbers our group had over the years, and how they were taken.
That was the end of our hunting with that group, and also marked a major change in our hunting method.
We adopted a method of using hand held glasses and a spotting scope to look for deer up to about 400 yards.
I used a 30/06, my brother a 280 Rem.
We had a carpenters saw horse with a piece of plywood screwed on top for a bench, along with a few shot bags filled with sand.
At that time, there were no bench rest long range hunters in that region. Im talking about those who set up on a good location and use large tripod mounted binoculars to scan hillsides.
But in the late 60s that changed, when a group of hunters from Harrisburg moved into that area.
Within a couple of years, everybody in that area knew who they were due to the results they were having killing bucks.
Needless to say i soon got to know those guys very well, they became my mentors for that type of hunting.
I hadnt even heard about dialing scopes, nor had most others at that time.
Target scopes like Unertle and a few others were the only ones that could be used for that at that time.
I also learned that they werent any different than most others as for their ability, including their shooting ability.
Their kids were killing some of the bucks they got.
Its all about mindset, we can train our minds in many different ways, if we just allow it.
Certainly there are those who dont like that type of hunting, and thats fine, there is lots of room for everybody.
I frankly never cared for fly fishing either. lol

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