Hunters, and elk hunters in particular, do go into places where other people just don't. Trail hikers may walk past on developed trails, but we pry into seemingly pristine places with little indication of man's pollution. Elk and bears like privacy. So do other beings.
This is a recent incident with young bowhunters who ran into a grizzly way too close. They were after deer, but were in elk country. These young men really had it together, which resulted in a better outcome than it would have. Being able to hunt with sidearms these days really turned the tide on being, or at least feeling safer out there with the bears. Used to be we couldn't carry a defensive fire arm in Wyoming while bowhunting, but they finally wised up and changed the regulations. About time with all the grizzlies that are really here. When I lived in Colorado firearms while bowhunting were forbidden. It would leave you on edge alright. Especially during one experience we had that didn't involve grizzlies but did involve something scary.
This interview is worth watching.