Hacker alert!!

Looks like I did use the term "action/wrench" in the public "I'll take it" post. Probably how they got that terminoligy. What ****ES me off now is that I didn't play along and toy with them. I ALWAYS keep the scam phone people on the line as long as posable. They usually hang up swearing at me. Great way to spend 10 min of OTHER peoples time, and the entertainment value is PRICELESS!!
Just doing a deal on a used action. Gave seller my phone number via PM. I then got 2 texts....one from seller and one from someone who CLAIMS to be the seller!!

HACKER PHONE NUMBER..,...224-541-0823.
HACKER PAYPAL INFO... [email protected]

How he got into our private messages is beyond me.

Just a heads up,
Thanks for starting this thread. The responses have been very informative.
Wish there was something I could do, but if the crime didn't occur in my jurisdiction my hands are tied. More often than not these types of crimes occur across multi-jurisdictional boundaries and are nearly impossible for local police agencies to prosecute for a number of different reasons…..one of which is that most states won't extradite for something other than violent felonies or 'higher tier' drug trafficking. Only thing I can recommend to @4xforfun is to talk with his local LE agency about what happened and see what resources they have to work with. Sorry I can't be of more help. 😐 🤷‍♂️
Wish there was something I could do, but if the crime didn't occur in my jurisdiction my hands are tied. More often than not these types of crimes occur across multi-jurisdictional boundaries and are nearly impossible for local police agencies to prosecute for a number of different reasons…..one of which is that most states won't extradite for something other than violent felonies or 'higher tier' drug trafficking. Only thing I can recommend to @4xforfun is to talk with his local LE agency about what happened and see what resources they have to work with. Sorry I can't be of more help. 😐 🤷‍♂️
EVERYONE has that 1 superpower that they whish they had.....to fly, time travel, read minds, etc..... Mine is to be able to hack into/onto any and all cyber/phone/mail hacker piece of **** and to toy with and RUIN them!!

........for what are dreams for!!
The other thing members should do is under your qccount in the "Privacy" tab scroll down to tge "Allow Users To" section. Set all of those to members only and not all vistors.

What people need to also understand is many of these scams and hacks are not run real time by a person but are bot programs and then the hacker collects that data in a data base they can check so one person can have millions of active bots and each bot dojng hundreds of actions per second. Tgennthey onky get personally involved once they have someone onnthe hook. Think of them like termintes and the internet is one big wood framed house. They are crawling in and out of every nook and cranny.

As @FEENIX stated always do your research of who your doing buisness with online. Look at how long they've been a member. Go beyond that and look up their activity. Go read their posts. That will tell you a lot. Have tgey bought sold anything on the site before etc......

I just recently bought something off the Hide a few months ago. A few hundred $ so not huge cost but not trivial either. It was a coupon off the PRS winners table. I replied to the sellers post who I know has a well known rep as a member and as a PRS shooter and RO. Within a min I got 2 PMs from 2 different accounts but the same message. They stated they know the seller and he is not online to much but here is his email address and he checks that all the time. Blah blah.. For me this was obvious scam but I still checked both accounts. One was brand new 0 posts the other had like 4-5 posts and a few months old but they were bs generic posts. Reported both members accounts and they were deleted by LowLight. I also PM'd the seller to make him aware with copies of the PMs Of course the real member contacted me the next day and all was good. But some of the scams are quite cleaver so you have to be careful.

The best litmus test is their forum history. Unfortunately it does not look like the rep system is used as much as on other sites, as I have purchased a few things on here from $100s to $5000 but have zero reps. But I do have an account from 2008 with consistent activity.

Its much easier to protect yourself as a seller than buyer. Having the funds before shipping ensures it. But that situation the buyer is assuming all the risk its where the rep point system and its history tracking help considerably so people we need to use it. Do not be afraid to ask for references of other forum members or even of members of other well known forums. Then check their history to see they are legit active members too and not just a bunch of fake accounts acting as ref for each other. You need to see both but actual posting activity with good posts is honestly the first thing or a ref from someone you know on the forum or is very popular.
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