Brass selection

When I can get it (.220 Russian is gobbled up as fast as they make it) I prefer Lapua. Annealing gives me much improved brass life. The Amp annealer has improved my life (gives me more time to do other things because it's faster that what I was doing). It kind of depends on what your doing with the rifle, how many rounds a year you expect to shoot, what your desired accuracy at xxxx range you expect, etc. If I'm going to load up some .223 for hog hunting with AR's I'm going to reach into the pile of range brass I have, that I cleaned and annealed, and load that. And yes... I will be irritated if I lose one of them. Brass has become a currency of sorts. When it's ejected from the chamber I see a $1.00 bill flying in the wind...
I have happily used Winchester and Remington Brass for reloading several .270 Win and 30-06 Hunting rifles. I use only Lapua for my 6mmBR Comp/Target Rifle. Speaking Only for myself, I have never had a problem with the Win or Rem Brass, just as I have never has a problem with the Lapua Brass. All my Brass cases regardless of their caliber or intended use go through the same Steps of ,Separation by weight, and all the same case Prep steps. For Competition I hold the Lapua brass to a 1/10th of a grain weight separation. Ex; 100.0 to 100.1. Thats one batch ; 100.2 to 1200.3 is another batch. ect. For Deer Hunting I hold Win Brass to 4 /1000 of a grain. 186.0 to 186.4 as an example. Just what I I like to do. I also anneal every 2nd or third loading. So for me no problem ever , with Cheap Win Brass, or excellent Lapua Brass!!
I just got a new rifle a 338 lapua and was wanting to hear your thoughts on lapua brass verse adg? I have used lapua brass before and it's been great. I have never used the adg brass.
Thanks for any feedback.
My buddy and I both shoot MRAD 300/338 Norma Mag. He tells me he averages about 5-6 firings with his Lapua brass. I'm using Peterson and surpassing that; 7+. These mags are pushing cases quite a bit. I find my 300NM takes 3 firings to fully form the case. FYI and good luck.
For the choices it's Lapua. ADG is fantastic brass but it's on a lower tier from lapua.
The Best brass is in my opinion ALPHA Brass. That's all by itself #1 then there is Lapua at 2.
If I can buy Alpha brass for a cartridge I will end of discussion. If not available it's Lapua. Just like my 30-06 AI I couldn't believe Alpha doesn't make 06 brass. Unfreakingbelieveable but they don't. So I had to settle for Lapua and it's very good brass.
Always buy the best brass you can from the get go and to me its ALWAYS ALPHA BRASS
What is the cartridge in question?

Oh,that's right... .338 LAPUA Mag!

Lapua quality and consistency are legendary.

Alpha is on par with Lapua. But Alpha is limited to short action standard bolt face cases.

ADG is great brass, but Lapua is always my first choice if they offer it in the cartridge I am shooting.

3. ADG (makes Sherman and Gunwerks brass too)
4. Peterson
5. Norma/Nosler
6. Remington
7. Winchester

Bertram is tough, but hit or miss on consistency. I have had great lots, and others have been very sporadic on consistency. So it is kind of a last resort for me if all else is unavailable.

I have no experience with Starline.

But Hornady and Federal are on my personal "stay away from" list.