7SAUM Barnes LRX data

If you want to stick with copper the 140 ttsx barnes is a tough bullet. Bc not great but you can push it fast. I quit using it for deer in a 7mag it's just too dense a bullet for deer but on an elk it would be ok. If your not shooting over 5-600 yds the160 Nosler AB is a great bullet and would be my first choice. If you want more bc the 162 eldx is an option.
I don't need to stick with copper. I just know that Barnes are a tough bullet. We run the TTSX in our 30-378 & 338-378. I am looking for something that can punch through bone if it needs to, or if the shooter misses the intended shot placement. Maybe the nosler ABLR or ELDX is a happy medium, I have no experience with them though.
I don't need to stick with copper. I just know that Barnes are a tough bullet. We run the TTSX in our 30-378 & 338-378. I am looking for something that can punch through bone if it needs to, or if the shooter misses the intended shot placement. Maybe the nosler ABLR or ELDX is a happy medium, I have no experience with them though.
The Ablr can be a little finicky on jump. The regular AB is easier to find a load. The Eldx has a higher bc than the AB but not as stout as the AB same with the ABLR. IDK what your max range is but the 160 AB is a great bullet.
well, I hate to stir the pot so to speak but I am in Ca and have experienced some less than stellar performance with the copper bullets, even the Hammer Hunters. I have many many friends that shoot various copper brands and all I can say is I want my Bergers back! I have shot several big Blacktails with the 175 EH out of my 7 Rum and that bullet has passed through many front shoulder bones. In fact at a velocity of 3351 in my old Hart barrel that bullet shot clean through T1 steel plates at 500 and 600 yards. I also killed a big old Blacktail at 70 yards with a lung shot and he dropped in his tracks. I just do not see the hydrostatic shock with copper and one must take a front leg bone out for optimum performance with copper in my opinion. I have not killed an Elk with that rifle but if I had an Elk hunt coming up out of my state... I would load the Berger 175 EH. I shoot for heart and lungs inside of 300 yards and try to knock out a front leg beyond that. I will add that my rifle shot the 175 Bergs in tiny little bug hole groups and held accuracy well past 1000 yards, I also have several hundred of them. Good luck on your hunt as shoot what shoots the best at your max range. Best of luck, Jason