Colorado wolves being relocated.

He just said they are a problem now we will move the problem elsewhere to continue the problem. ***!!
Might not be the first time these stock killers were moved. The transplants had a history of such, which was against the rules. Which we should be used to and no one should believe a word those that can't follow their own rules has to say.
Glad I'm not a cattle rancher in Colorado.
Game commission would jail me.

Don't know how these people didn't see this coming!

The dark haired lady is a freaking idiot!!

The people that the wolves would have an effect on, and the sensible ones, did see it coming but we are out numbered by a bunch of total idiots. We got out voted.
Now we are going to get wolverines. I'm not too worried about them having a great big effect on things but how much is this going to cost???? The once wonderful state of Colorado is becoming a S--- h--e.
What a crock of 🐂💩 thinking relocation works with wolves. These animals have enormous range well beyond what these so called biologist will admit to in any document.

Michigan collared a itty bitty gray wolf in the UP, of course it stayed in Michigan, or wait, the United States! NOPE! This wolf traveled a documented 4200 miles before killed in Manitoba. Maybe the collars need to have shock capability based upon GPS coordinates like fluffy in backyard. The absurdity of agencies giving the impression moving these range rovers a 50-100 miles solves the problem. Understand the Michigan wolf traveled 4200 miles in 18 months or 233 miles/month. It was just wandering versus traveling in certain direction for specific food source like easy pickings cattle.

So, lets see... they killed cattle in Oregon so lets move them to Colorado.

Whaaat? They killed cattle in Colorado, too? That's amazing!? Who woulda thunk it?

Sounds like Wyoming it is!

And they are surprised it happened? Nope. They were just hoping that nobody would notice.
They 1000% knew they'd kill cattle again.

Bunch of effing liars, the whole lot of them.
Glad I'm not a cattle rancher in Colorado.
Game commission would jail me.

Don't know how these people didn't see this coming!

The dark haired lady is a freaking idiot!!

It was seen coming! What happens when a bunch of coloradofornians and queers get it on a ballot and you cannot reason with these people! To dumb to know any better.
Gut shoot them bullet passes through they run off bleeding and excites the pack they eat what is left