Ammonia based solvents will not hurt your bore unless you get a bad habit of walking off and forgetting about them. I have been using products like Sweets 7.62 and Montana Extreme Copper killer since the mid-80s when Sweets was first imported into the country. I had access to my first bore scope in 1987, used medical equipment.
Today, non-amonia products can do a great job, monitor with a bore scope to ensure you are not dealing with a a tough layer of carbon over the copper.
Years ago we learned a trick from an old gunsmith. When you have to clean a gun after a particularly dusty or dirty trip, you may not have the time to go and foul the barrel with a couple of shots. If you push a patch of alcohol through the barrel to remove the vast majority of oil, your cold bore shot should be right on the money depending on the distance you are shooting....this method works.