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For Sale Printed Cleaning Rod Storage Racks


Well-Known Member
LRH Sponsor
Jan 16, 2013
I have had a few requests for some custom cleaning rod racks lately so I am going to put up a few different options for sale amongst the other items. Prices are TYD. Custom requests welcome, just takes a little extra time and $$ depending. Colors are going to be primarily red or black, if you don't specify I will just ship what I have. You can see dimensions in the images also if you have any questions regarding so. The cleaning rod holes are tapered to "self center".

$30 Basic Cleaning Rod Rack: The basic cleaning rack will hold 6 cleaning rods and can be mounted to the wall via 2 #8 screws.
$38 Basic Rack With Magnet: This model will hold the 6 cleaning rods but can be mounted to the wall via 2 #8 screws or can be attached to a steel object via the two magnets on the back. The magnets are 70LB pull a piece so be careful and don't set it right on your phone or any sensitive electronics. The rubber O-rings that are in the back are to keep the cleaning rod rack from sliding around . The magnets have a lot of pull force but the friction generated between the plastic rack and a smooth metal surface isn't sufficient to keep it in place, so that is where the O-rings come in.
$40 Upgraded Rack: The upgraded cleaning rack will hold 6 cleaning rods and can be mounted to the wall via 2 #8 screws. This also has a small tray on the one end for miscellaneous storage (jags, brush or something you are using right now) and the other end has two hooks for hanging common cleaning materials from. The wire diameter on the hooks is .110" (just under 1/8" diameter).
$48 Upgraded Rack With Magnet: This option includes the upgraded cleaning rod rack with magnets and O-rings. Again please use caution around the strong magnets as described in the above basic rack with magnets option.


  • Basic Cleaning Rod Rack Dimensions.JPG
    Basic Cleaning Rod Rack Dimensions.JPG
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  • Basic Cleaning Rod Rack.jpg
    Basic Cleaning Rod Rack.jpg
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  • Cleaning Rod Rack Magnet View.JPG
    Cleaning Rod Rack Magnet View.JPG
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  • Upgraded Cleaning Rod Rack.jpg
    Upgraded Cleaning Rod Rack.jpg
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  • Upgraded Rack Dimensions.JPG
    Upgraded Rack Dimensions.JPG
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