Deer Behavior

Orange Dust

Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2015
Mingo Swamp
I've been around a long time and never seen whitetails do this. We see deer all the time while trout fishing. They come down to drink the cold water in the heat. The temp was in the 90's and water temp 52. We came upon 4 does standing in the river a couple of inches up on their bellies. They were feeding just like they do on dry ground on moss in the river. They would stick their head, ears, and most of their neck under water to do so. Deer are excellent swimmers but I've never seen them put their heads under water to feed. Moose do, but whitetails? New to me.
Deers are wonderful creatures that exhibit lots of behavior. In 1998, on the Thursday before gun, walked into a new dry spot, in the Bibon Swamp, with my homemade hang on. A buck was walking thru. He saw me, put his ears back, and slowly started to walk right at me. At 15 yards I became concerned with his posturing, and got behind a big tree. I thought he was going to charge me, it was weird. He turned and walked off. A nice 8. I set the stand, with some screw ins right there. Shot him opening morning at 1030am, just walking around the area, looking ****ed off. I mounted him.
Went Trout fishing again over Labor Day weekend. Water was low, and there they were again, about a dozen of them. In the middle of the river, in about 2-1/2' of water. Feeding just like they were on dry ground, with their heads and ears completely under water. So its not a fluke. They like the stuff I guess.
Deer are smart when it comes to finding something to eat. I've never witnessed them feeding with their heads under water. However, I have recently observed them laying down in the creek behind my house. I can't blame them for trying to cool down in 100 degree temps.

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