Can Someone Please Explain The Attraction Of Hunting Fenced Animals?

Think of it this way....
Huge properties back east have only little sections they actually hunt as to not scare the animals to the neighbors properties......even if low fenced and sitting watching a stubbled corn field that was generated also to keep the animals from leaving the property....
Whats the difference from shooting a high fenced critter...or a beef cow....
OOOOO...K, thanks. I`m personally not knocking it, to each his own even though I don`t think I would enjoy it. Some folks obviously do. Is this somehow a verboten subject? If so, fine, although that in and of itself would be interesting IMO.
Just saying "no" , I can't explain it. Having spent the last 40 years in Alaska and Wyoming, I can't explain why anyone would pay for a high fence hunt. I am sure that a lot of others have more insight than myself.
Come on, haven't you secretly thought about shooting one of those animals at the zoo? I want a giraffe skin couch and matching recliner. In my current condition, I can't handle a lot of recoil; you think a 6ARC would put down at giraffe at zoo pen distances?
If that gun has a lot of vertical go for the neck shot 😆!
Shooting penned up animals is great fun! I understood pens as a kid! I'd have my friends over in grade school and tell them to bring their pellet guns. We would spread out a bunch of wheat inside barn on the floor with the big doors open. In the mean time start digging a big hole for the pigeon cemetery.

You wait till you have a 100+ flying rats eating away and then you run screaming and close the barn doors. Then you spend all afternoon blowing them off the rafters and get them in a crossfire with nowhere to hide:)

Then it's load up the wagon time and maybe stomp a few of the wounded to haul to the pet cemetery. Good times shooting in the pen.
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I find this stone throwing comical but destructive to hunting and shooting. Attacking each other for where and how we hunt changes nothing, but creates hard feelings and division in our ranks. You will find the holier than thou folks for every topic. Long range hunting being targeted all the time. If you want to be a purest and tell me what to do, first go hunting with a tool that you create with you own hands and knowledge from what you find in nature "not man made steel or carbon or glass" no internet help or book instruction, just your mind and what you find. Then come back and preach. I am still not going to follow you or be swayed. I wish I could afford to create my own high fence hunting paradise for personal use and friends and family. That said I don't and have never hunted high fence, but given the chance I would.
The flip side of this question is "Why does somebody need a custom seven thousand dollar rifle and scope to hunt?"

Everyone on this forum knows that every animal that lives on the North American continent has been killed with a 30-30 lever action rifle.

If you so choose to shoot a friggin cannon that you must put a muzzle brake to shoot, more power to you.

If what the person wants to trade his hard earned money to hunt a fenced area, more power to them.
It lengthened my Dad's ability to hunt a few more years. I'll gladly trade no fence hunts for fenced hunts to spend time with him chasing elk. It's sickening knowing he very well could have shot his last bull elk. With an array of medical problems, there is no way he could do what we did 10-30 years ago. We hunted no fence deer when it was 30 below zero with a 45 below zero wind chill, chased waterfowl when it was 25 below zero, and my first elk that I shot was during a blizzard. When hunting with him, I will gladly trade P&Y for B&C every single time. Hunting like we used to would very likely end his life. Last fall was very emotional for the both of us and if there is anyway possible to just go on "one more hunt", I'd like to think that I would do what he did for me and that's do anything possible to make it happen.
If it came down to it....absolutely shoot a ranch bull.....careless about the antlers to fill the freezer.....
Had a girlfriend whose dad has no chance of doing an open land hunt....but I would have dropped $5000 on a cull bull on a ranch.......bummer....
A 5000 acre high fence property is just under 8 sq/mi. That is a lot of terrain to move and hide in. I bet most couldn't cover all that terrain in a week of hiking.

I remember reading about a 2500 acre high fence WT property in Michigan called the "Sanctuary". They had deer in there they had never laid eyes on. These deer are truly wild, born wild and live free. Not pen raised.