I leaned something today! Deer are not truly colorblind

This information has been around for a while, But I will still wear blue jeans while hunting on local ranches. Normal ranch attire is blue jeans or Carharts.
Let someone get out of the truck looking like a bush, and deer scramble. Sometimes the best camouflage, is no camouflage.
Absolutely!!!!! The number of times I've been out and about outside, not hunting, not even a little bit trying to be stealthy or sneaky or quiet or disguised, and have stumbled upon deer or other animals at very close distances that were somehow just as surprised to see me as I was to see them is…well it's happened a few times anyway! 🤣

Kids are the same way! I remember when all mine were babies it seemed somehow that when I'd try to be as quiet as possible at night to not wake up the baby….THE DANG BABY WOKE UP 😅. And when I was making all kinds of racket and just doing my own thing with no attention given to being quiet they'd stay asleep!
Regarding the comments I'm seeing about the neutrality of science…I agree with you, but also there's absolutely nothing for anyone to gain by trying to trick you into believing deer vision is something it's not! 😂

Now when it comes to stuff like COVID and climate change and farting cows spelling doom for us all or the sustainability (or lack thereof) of electric cars or the perceived evils of agriculture or….a whole laundry list, absolutely I beleive in political motivation being behind it…not so much the raw data, but its interpretation and the course of action prescribed by the powers that be. For example, I actually don't doubt right now that the Earth on average is hotter than we've ever documented…BUT WAIT!!! How long exactly have been been keeping the kind of detailed records we have now? This is awkward….🤣 So it doesn't actually mean much to say it's the hottest year ever recorded when we haven't truly, scientifically, been doing all that much recording in human history. But you can spin a doomsday narrative and people gobble it up.

Statistics…I'm with you guys on statistics. You can make them support whatever argument you're making. Extra points for having some nice and misleading graphs and charts!!!!

Mark Twain is quoted to have said

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics".
u know i wear all my orange and hunting clothes while hunting: wool camo, jackets, camo face cover and sit in blind or tree stand.

I note that they are so keen on movement than color. I have noticed that if my face is not covered they look at me.. due to whiteness perhaps
movement, and being a new piece of furniture in their living room i think makes the difference, along with smell of course.

Over the last few years i hunt out of a ground blind now on a large open farm.

When it first goes up b/4 season They note it and are nervous of it… but after a few days it may be like a piece of farm equipment and then not matter to them.. of course they still look at it and question it….. but are not as spooked and i can hide in plain sight in it
I have freedom of movement regardless of what i wear.. and have a lil buddy heater in it!

killed to nice bucks out of it last year in VA
Yeah that info has been around a pretty long time, since the 80's at least. Don't wear white either, white reflects all colors, including blue of course.
Where was that info? That would make winter really difficult for deer.
My greatest success to disappear has always been in white, regardless of how little snow was on the ground. Animals seem to pay little attention to white in my experience over 45 years of hunting. And I own and wear every camo pattern known to mankind lol.
u know i wear all my orange and hunting clothes while hunting: wool camo, jackets, camo face cover and sit in blind or tree stand.

I note that they are so keen on movement than color. I have noticed that if my face is not covered they look at me.. due to whiteness perhaps
movement, and being a new piece of furniture in their living room i think makes the difference, along with smell of course.

Over the last few years i hunt out of a ground blind now on a large open farm.

When it first goes up b/4 season They note it and are nervous of it… but after a few days it may be like a piece of farm equipment and then not matter to them.. of course they still look at it and question it….. but are not as spooked and i can hide in plain sight in it
I have freedom of movement regardless of what i wear.. and have a lil buddy heater in it!

killed to nice bucks out of it last year in VA

That is certainly true in my experience as well, they are crazy sensitive to movement. Heck you could probably wear a clown costume and still be better off if you can actually SIT STILL than a camouflaged but restless hunter that can't stop moving, readjusting, getting comfortable, fidgeting, etc…
😊 Not sure why I wear camo!


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Just a thought but it's way easier to cut open a few dozen eyeballs in a sterilized lab and count the rods and cones in relation to our own substantially studied eyes vs running a multi year multi species study in multiple regions to try and come up with any meaningful data on fawn death/coyote statistics when there is an unlimited number of factors influencing the outcome.
That's literally biologist jobs…

Doing things the right way is hardly ever easier.
Well... I have worn camo once when hunting. It was my first and only time archery hunting to date. I was at full draw when the deer moved and the bow hit the side view mirror of the truck and the deer took off. The deer never cared about the black and grey GMC that I was sitting in. My friend was impressed that I could get the bow to full pull sitting in the drivers seat. Things we do when we are young and stupid huh??? Think I was 18 at the time.
Well... I have worn camo once when hunting. It was my first and only time archery hunting to date. I was at full draw when the deer moved and the bow hit the side view mirror of the truck and the deer took off. The deer never cared about the black and grey GMC that I was sitting in. My friend was impressed that I could get the bow to full pull sitting in the drivers seat. Things we do when we are young and stupid huh??? Think I was 18 at the time.
Sounds like one of those "statute of limitations" stories to tell haha
On a serious note... the guys who taught me how to hunt all had white suits (orange hat required by law) and that's what I wore for years. And a couple of those guys had some massive massive whitetail deer, elk and moose trophies. Now deer season and late elk and moose season, there is generally snow on the ground. But I am a big believer in very minimal movements and now a bit more about avoiding continual eye contact as I am starting to see that somehow this does disturb them.

The nice thing about white is that the COs trust you a lot more cause they figure guys can't gut a deer or moose without getting blood all over them (no place to hide that you shot something) but the guys who taught me could gut a moose and not get a drop of blood them past their elbows and somehow nothing on their coveralls!!

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