High speed police pursuits, be allowed?

Growing up, one of my best friends Dad was Highway Patrol. His saying was "You might outrun the old Chevrolet (actually souped-up Dodges) but you can't outrun the old two-way (radio)". He would get close enough to get a license number and then just be in their yard the next morning.

Simpler times; not many stolen cars, no fake tags, and he usually knew who was driving what car anyway.
Totally understand your point of view and actually, I sympathize……BUT….if an innocent persons life was taken during the pursuit of said assault how could you justify that?🤔
I'm not insinuating anything towards you sir or anyone else so please don't take it that way, this is just my thoughts on crime and letting Leo's do what they got to do. You got to trust officers and let them do what needs to be done. And you know this better than most I'm sure.

I would hate to see an innocent person lose their life…no question that is the worst possible outcome….

But I'm a hard liner on enforcing the law. Apply that same logic to the assassination attempt on Trump…. Would you tell counter snipers not to fire or return fire because they're not sure where the bullets going to go after they fire at a skylined criminal because the bullet is most likely passing through? Heck no! You shoot that bastard and protect the rest of the people that could be impacted.

Does loss of innocent life happen, absolutely, and it's terrible to loose innocent life. And although this is a lil different situation, it is an exact example of letting criminals go ahead and commit the crime before stopping them, that guy should've been shot before he ever fired the first shot. But in the big picture, you're going to lose a lot more by not letting Leo's do their job. If you draw a line and tell cops " hey don't pursue this individual if they go over "x" mph, all of the criminals will drive unmarked at above "x" mph. Leo's need better tools to stop such crime as excessive speeding…. Cars are fast but the communication channels such as radio and cell phones are way faster. Individuals can be caught, just have to get the brass to allow it.
I'm not insinuating anything towards you sir or anyone else so please don't take it that way, this is just my thoughts on crime and letting Leo's do what they got to do.
Oh, I know brother!! I didn't take anything "negative" from your post at all. 👍 This happens to be a GREAT discussion and I happily welcome different viewpoints!
However, I still stand by my "restrictive pursuit policies" because I feel that a traffic violation, misdemeanors (excluding domestic violence) and non-violent felonies just don't belong on the balance beam when weighed against human life. 🤷‍♂️
Oh, I know brother!! I didn't take anything "negative" from your post at all. 👍 This happens to be a GREAT discussion and I happily welcome different viewpoints!
However, I still stand by my "restrictive pursuit policies" because I feel that a traffic violation, misdemeanors (excluding domestic violence) and non-violent felonies just don't belong on the balance beam when weighed against human life. 🤷‍♂️
Oh I agree man, I wish our judicial system would be tougher on crime. I understand we want freedom from tyranny and oppression, but criminals basically get a get a jail free card and there's no consequence for crime. Especially if you have plenty of money, you can do whatever. I believe in the sanctity of life and that life is the most precious thing. But it's sickening to see our country that was founded on freedom and based on the rule of law, be ****ed away slowly and watch it be eroded from what it is supposed to be.
Another view point to consider;
If there are no exceptions for high speed pursuits then how do we justify ambulances or fire trucks running hot? Clearly they may not be at the same high speed as LE, but there are many documented EMS and Fire department fatality wrecks while responding code 3.
Another view point to consider;
If there are no exceptions for high speed pursuits then how do we justify ambulances or fire trucks running hot? Clearly they may not be at the same high speed as LE, but there are many documented EMS and Fire department fatality wrecks while responding code 3.
I used to be a paramedic and the most scared I was, when we were running a pediatric call with a fireman driving. Putting one of those guys used to driving an engine in a smaller faster ambulance, and he's driving it like he stole it.
Our ambulance service went to the "road safety" system which basically gives you warnings if your 10 mph over the speed limit while running code. They eventually had to adjust it a little faster i believe due to running code on the interstate and traffic passing you.

There are studies that suggest there are marginal gains running code verse diving non-emergent.
Our ambulance service went to the "road safety" system which basically gives you warnings if your 10 mph over the speed limit while running code. They eventually had to adjust it a little faster i believe due to running code on the interstate and traffic passing you.

There are studies that suggest there are marginal gains running code verse diving non-emergent.
Really the only memorable (outcome of patient) time it made a difference for me was a STEMI that my driver made it to the hospital 15 minutes faster than a helicopter the previous week. Heavy traffic in larger cities there is an advantage of running hot, but it's just to clear traffic out of the way. When I was on a QRV, I could really get somewhere faster since we were very rural in eastern NC and running 25-30mph over the speed limit.
Our ambulance service went to the "road safety" system which basically gives you warnings if your 10 mph over the speed limit while running code. They eventually had to adjust it a little faster i believe due to running code on the interstate and traffic passing you.

There are studies that suggest there are marginal gains running code verse diving non-emergent.
Same here.

Also modified was helicopter transport, too hard for those involved to not saddle up when especially babies lives are on the line. Inclement conditions are now a now go. Pilot also taken out of medical loop so the decision to fly is independent of outside pressure.

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