High speed police pursuits, be allowed?

I may feel different than some, but I say for someone like the person you described that was fleeing Leo's in that manner it ought to carry a mandatory sentence in prison ( I'd say minimum 10 years)…no pleading down, not negotiable. Their actions can kill someone with their reckless driving. As far as Leo's being allowed to pursue…. Absolutely. They're breaking the law. Is the thought to just let them run? Heck then everyone will run if that's the case. Criminals do not give a crap about the law or your feelings. Bottom line is that if our states had actual real deterrents for crime, a lot of folks would probably act differently. Think about how you would want Leo's to act if that individual had assaulted or hurt a loved one, wasn't stopped and hauled *** just to have the police say, well we had to let him go because he drive too fast. Heck, they may be hauling the dope that gets introduced to someone's kid…you just never know. I've had a similar situation happen to me on I-10 a few years ago. Just always got to be alert and drive defensively. They ended up getting the guy about 20 miles from where I was passed by them. No idea how it turned out.
Yes, it should be a mandatory couple years in jail for fleeing. Why make a car that goes 150mph or more when the highest speed limit in the country is 85 mph ? If you can sue the gun manufacturers then you should be able to sue the car makers for making a law breaking car.
All that aside if you haven't seen the legendary Arkansas trooper Byrd in action you need to behold his skill. I had no idea there were that many pursuits and TVI/PIT maneuvers happening.
I may feel different than some, but I say for someone like the person you described that was fleeing Leo's in that manner it ought to carry a mandatory sentence in prison ( I'd say minimum 10 years)…no pleading down, not negotiable. Their actions can kill someone with their reckless driving. As far as Leo's being allowed to pursue…. Absolutely. They're breaking the law. Is the thought to just let them run? Heck then everyone will run if that's the case. Criminals do not give a crap about the law or your feelings. Bottom line is that if our states had actual real deterrents for crime, a lot of folks would probably act differently. Think about how you would want Leo's to act if that individual had assaulted or hurt a loved one, wasn't stopped and hauled *** just to have the police say, well we had to let him go because he drive too fast. Heck, they may be hauling the dope that gets introduced to someone's kid…you just never know. I've had a similar situation happen to me on I-10 a few years ago. Just always got to be alert and drive defensively. They ended up getting the guy about 20 miles from where I was passed by them. No idea how it turned out.
Don't LEOs have radios ? Kind of hard to out run a radio.. Unless your pretty slick I've watched videos where the LEO had ample time to deploy tack strips. And failed miserably. But I would guess they are also effective. We just don't get them on video as much these days. Ten years is a little drastic. People who commit murder see less prison time.
I had a cb750 honda back when I was 17. It was bored out and raced out for the time . I had it for just 3 months after getting it all built up . I had 1 ticket every month for the three months. Always speeding and no license . I only had a permit and wasn't supposed to be on the freeway. The last ticket did me in . I got caught going on the freeway in second gear with the front wheel in the air . Went from the on ramp to the car pool lane in one shot . Went by 4 cars on my way to 4th gear and then saw the lights come on . It took a mile and a half to pull over . I was off the bike waiting. Full felony stop by the officer as he thought I was running . I was actually slowing down . I was so far out on him he never got a speed . He did do me a favor at the time and wrote me just a ticket . He definitely could have taken me to jail . I was north of 120 . I got 4 unsafe lane changes 4 overtaking the car in front of me speeding at 85 in a 65 then he went after the bike . No license no helmet riding on a slick ,modified engine exhaust, suspension. I got a warning to never ride on the freeway again. I traded the bike for a 68 mgb and made it a street legal race car . Not all cops are bad guys!!
I used to get tickets going to work in MD. I was always running late. Out all night chasing girls. I would just say I was working for the State of Maryland today. Back then it was no points just pay the fine. Lol
Think about how you would want Leo's to act if that individual had assaulted or hurt a loved one, wasn't stopped and hauled *** just to have the police say, well we had to let him go because he drive too fast.
Totally understand your point of view and actually, I sympathize……BUT….if an innocent persons life was taken during the pursuit of said assault how could you justify that?🤔
I've watched videos where the LEO had ample time to deploy tack strips. And failed miserably. But I would guess they are also effective.
Yes, spike strips are effective…..but I've also seen a guy fleeing on the interstate swerve (at high speed) to avoid them and take out 2 other cars in the process…putting both drivers in the hospital with serious injuries. 😐
Yes, spike strips are effective…..but I've also seen a guy fleeing on the interstate swerve (at high speed) to avoid them and take out 2 other cars in the process…putting both drivers in the hospital with serious injuries. 😐
Spike strips that's it. I believe I called them tac strips. They may as well be Spike strips when you step on one in your bare feet. 😂
over the years I worked as a deputy (mostly reserve and some full time) in a very rural county. Much of the time you were the only deputy patrolling the county.
Like most things in life, common sense goes a long way. Pursuits should be reasonable and able to be justified to a group of your peers. Traffic violation, no thanks. Violent felon, well let's dance.
I spent many years working as a medic in large city. Our ambulance were equipped with "road safety" or similar product. It tracks everything you do, acceleration, braking, blinker and seat belt usage. Dispatch can track your speed and location. I've seen that make it brake an employee when a complaint is called in. A second by second download would show your speed, lights and siren usage and even the g force of your turn.
Todays newer vehicles have noise cancelling insulation that it's harder to hear sirens, especially if the radio is blaring.
Lights and sirens are simply asking permission to pass or alerting you to there attempt to overtake. They don't excuse stupidity.
I had a high speed chase pass me one day, and scared the crap out of me. I was on a 40mph arterial road, and coming to a stop at a red light. I was about 15 cars back from the light. A car came up behind me and ended up blowing by me and jumped onto the oncoming traffic side, probably doing 70-80. Blew through the traffic light ahead and onto the ramp to enter the interstate. Two police cars were not far behind. The car being chased jumped over right behind me (I was in the left lane) by the time the police passed, there were a few cars behind me at the light so just saw them go by, but also on the oncoming traffic side. It turned out it was an armed robbery suspect.

Around my suburb, there is blatant and frequent street racing on one highway near me. I have had cars go by doing well over the 65 posted speed, 100mph+. There have been a few targeted busts of street racing groups.

I have done 20+ years of highway construction work and there is a lot of bad and dangerous driving behavior and the police can't be everywhere all the time to stop it. I wish there was a better solution and unfortunately peoples bad behavior is only getting worse. The level of respect for safety of other people is going down. Being on a highway, especially at night, when the only thing separating you from a car is a rubber cone tests your nerves a lot more than it should.
For those that love to live in the left lane, if you see several cars behind you and none in front, get out of the left lane. Even though you are "doing the speed limit", it is not your job to enforce traffic laws and keep people from passing you. Too much road rage these days, and lots of accidents are cause by people going too slow on the Interstate, and people in a hurry trying to get around them.
I call them left lane lazies, some of them won't even get to the speed limit. They feel and act like a hall monitor when they don't have any authority.

My dad used to speed every where when he was young now that he's older he stays in the left lane and gets passed all the time on the right. I told him to move over to the right and he jumps back at me I'm going the speed limit. I then said yes but the traffic is going faster, they may be breaking the law but so are you by impeding it.

I then said you don't know what's going on with the other person that's trying to get around you. Their wife or child maybe dying in the hospital and they are trying to get there before they die.
NO I know people that were there and he ran and jumped on her car not away from her I saw in the Enquirer that Elsmere didn't hire him!
one bad apple ruins the whole barrel! He used that blue wall crap like my dad said one will lie and the rest will swear to it
Dealing with the law I play like Sargent Schultz I know nothing.....
Ha! Well, in my "rookie days", yeah…it was fun. However, I'm approaching retirement years now and after being involved in numerous pursuits over the years and seeing what can happen to EVERYONE involved if it goes wrong….it's just NOT worth it unless it's certain "violent felony" circumstances. As they say…the juice HAS TO be worth the squeeze.
Yup some violent felons need to be taken off the streets. I won't name the serial killer that was running around my neighborhood when I was a teenager. Some people need to be caught even when the risk is high. Because just having them running around is a high risk.

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