High speed police pursuits, be allowed?

In Arizona various jurisdictions have altered pursuit policies to the safer side. Many times they will rely on DPS air support if the situation requires eyes on at all times until taken into custody (dangerous individuals). The traffic in Maricopa County is horrible so there is magnified risk to pursue many offenders.
Have not seen too many EV Police Cars in Atlanta do 150mph.
Have been on the roads in ATL I-75/I-85/I-20 where there was high speed chases.
Got ran off the road on Highway 11 (small backwoods two lane road) in Monroe GA by a vehicle being chase by local Monroe PD. I think that they shot the driver after he crashed.
We live in the country and every now and then we get some motor cycle rockets trying to do over 120mph in front of our property. Be a real bad thing if they hit a young child walking their animal. Someday a deer or a garbage can might fly out in front of those jock rockets.
More often than not Its a innocent person that gets hurt or killed. I think in those cases the cop and county or state should be sued!
The only way to stop those badge heavy nuts and their employers is to break their bank!
We had a nut here in Boone county that the county paid out 6.5 million to keep it out of public court. Well hes gone and I saw the next job he tried to get the people raised such a fuss he didn't get hired!
No at the time it was a Honda V65 Magna. 2 wheels I road all year round. Even in the snow a few times. That was before the Abrams. And now I ride a Yamaha Vmax. lol
I had a cb750 honda back when I was 17. It was bored out and raced out for the time . I had it for just 3 months after getting it all built up . I had 1 ticket every month for the three months. Always speeding and no license . I only had a permit and wasn't supposed to be on the freeway. The last ticket did me in . I got caught going on the freeway in second gear with the front wheel in the air . Went from the on ramp to the car pool lane in one shot . Went by 4 cars on my way to 4th gear and then saw the lights come on . It took a mile and a half to pull over . I was off the bike waiting. Full felony stop by the officer as he thought I was running . I was actually slowing down . I was so far out on him he never got a speed . He did do me a favor at the time and wrote me just a ticket . He definitely could have taken me to jail . I was north of 120 . I got 4 unsafe lane changes 4 overtaking the car in front of me speeding at 85 in a 65 then he went after the bike . No license no helmet riding on a slick ,modified engine exhaust, suspension. I got a warning to never ride on the freeway again. I traded the bike for a 68 mgb and made it a street legal race car . Not all cops are bad guys!!
Yep, that's despicably shameful….and precisely what STRICT pursuit policies (or NO pursuit policies) are trying to eliminate.
In this case the officer was trying to catch up to a chase that had blown through his jurisdiction which is a small town. He was going over 100 mph when he blew through a red light at a busy intersection and T boned the kids. We also had another case where a hearing impaired person was hit and killed. I get both sides. In Nola they had a no chase policy and the thugs would just never check up. No accountability. But no innocent person should lose their life over a traffic ticket.
I got 4 unsafe lane changes 4 overtaking the car in front of me speeding at 85 in a 65 then he went after the bike . No license no helmet riding on a slick ,modified engine exhaust, suspension.
Is that all?!? 😂🤣
Not all cops are bad guys!!
Well, thanks for saying so! It either must have been close to the end of his shift….and/or the jail was too far away. 😂
It's about time that technology solved this problem. Maybe a Police car could emit an electro-magnetic pulse, or something similar, that would stall the engine of a fleeing vehicle.
They have the technology already and it caused more problems than it solved. They used it in California for a time then it dropped from everyone's radar. The EMP pulse they used to "disable" the vehicle does just that, and other vehicles around them. Guess what happens when your power steering and power brakes no longer work... even at low speeds the danger to others was too high.
It's happening, govt mandated kill switches in new cars. I really don't like the direction things are going. I want less involvement by all govt, and more personal responsibility.

They have the technology already and it caused more problems than it solved. They used it in California for a time then it dropped from everyone's radar. The EMP pulse they used to "disable" the vehicle does just that, and other vehicles around them. Guess what happens when your power steering and power brakes no longer work... even at low speeds the danger to others was too high.

How about ejector seats that are controlled by the PD? Now that would be funny.
I had a cb750 honda back when I was 17. It was bored out and raced out for the time . I had it for just 3 months after getting it all built up . I had 1 ticket every month for the three months. Always speeding and no license . I only had a permit and wasn't supposed to be on the freeway. The last ticket did me in . I got caught going on the freeway in second gear with the front wheel in the air . Went from the on ramp to the car pool lane in one shot . Went by 4 cars on my way to 4th gear and then saw the lights come on . It took a mile and a half to pull over . I was off the bike waiting. Full felony stop by the officer as he thought I was running . I was actually slowing down . I was so far out on him he never got a speed . He did do me a favor at the time and wrote me just a ticket . He definitely could have taken me to jail . I was north of 120 . I got 4 unsafe lane changes 4 overtaking the car in front of me speeding at 85 in a 65 then he went after the bike . No license no helmet riding on a slick ,modified engine exhaust, suspension. I got a warning to never ride on the freeway again. I traded the bike for a 68 mgb and made it a street legal race car . Not all cops are bad guys!!
My older brother had the CB 750 also. I used to take it out on the road before I had a license. Cruise around the back roads. They were pretty quick. At least it seemed so at 14 yrs old.
Hes the one that shot and killed that 18 year old girl at the field party then he charged into some old peoples home with no warrant
looking for their adult son who had his own house Remember the county only pays out like that when they think it will cost them more in court
If I was on the jury I would have given the girls family 50 million and the old couple 15 million we cab change things if we start snacking them down! a bunch of Barney Fifes
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