Mountain Lion

Very nice.
Have you already posted a thread about the hunt?
How did that go?
Was it a hound hunt or ???
I have a buddy with good hounds and that can be an amazing hunt. Lots can happen on a hound hunt.

Thanks for sharing
The hunt was in northern Nevada with Canyons West Outfitters. We did use dogs for tracking.
We started the morning with a balmy -12F where the guide started making rounds with the tracked 4 wheeler trying to cut a fresh Tom track. We finally cut our first track around 12:30pm and got the dogs working, it took us about 3 hours to catch up to the dogs once they finally got the cat treed, we tired getting into position but the cat bailed so we had to track him down a short distance later where I was able to make the 5 yard shot with my bow, he ran maybe 80 yards total.
We were able to get some great pictures on top the mountain before we had to start breaking him down and pack him back up the mountain. It was an amazing experience that I hope to do soon again.
Thank you for sharing your story. Sounds like a great hunt. Tough conditions , you got to see the dogs work, cat bailed on you ( typical of big cats) and a good bow shot. A shot that close can sometimes be more difficult than a longer shot and for sure a bit more exciting!
So cool!
Sorry if I missed the question. How much did it weigh?

We didn't get a chance to weigh him so I'm not gonna make up a number, he's HUGE!
We had to break him down to get him off the mountain.