First NRL Hunter match

Yeah, that's totally it, brah. It's absolutely not just my preference, born of my personal experiences doing this since before DBMs on bolt guns became "cool". Or for the most part- even existed.

Lots of people including myself used BDL's before DBM's were a thing, and lots of us evolved. Sounds like you haven't even tried them to know better. Thanks for confirming it's just your stubbornness I guess.
Lots of people including myself used BDL's before DBM's were a thing, and lots of us evolved. Sounds like you haven't even tried them to know better. Thanks for confirming it's just your stubbornness I guess.
Nah, rest assured I've tried them, and have my preferences. We all do, and we don't all have the same preferences. And that's ok!

Hey, sometimes stubbornness is what sees things through, don't knock it, or at least don't automatically discount it! :)
Wild question...

How hard would it be to do an NRL hunters match in Florida?? Maybe I'm thinking of talking to some ranges, probably won't work but would be nice.
NRL Hunter Team match sounds like a blast. Wish there were opportunities closer to Michigan. Most matches are a haul and flying with gear is not attractive to me. Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania? I think 800yds max would be okay. I would love to volunteer to help make it happen in our parts.
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Wild question...

How hard would it be to do an NRL hunters match in Florida?? Maybe I'm thinking of talking to some ranges, probably won't work but would be nice.
Maybe the range in Brevard but I don't think there is any other ranges that could have 18 stages.

But I was told there would possibly be 1-3 more matches on the East Coast added next year.
Maybe the range in Brevard but I don't think there is any other ranges that could have 18 stages.

But I was told there would possibly be 1-3 more matches on the East Coast added next year.
Yeah volucia county is the one I was going to talk to about this. Most hunting in FL is stupid short ranges so I'm not surprised there isn't really a want for NRL matches here but I think it would still be beneficial