Do you hunt alone or with buddies and relatives ?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2003
Madison ,ga
I use to hunt with my dad from the age of 3 till i was 36 when he quit hunting .Then in alaska i took every kid i could find hunting for 12 years .Then i came back to ga took more kids hunting till i ran out of kids to take .I had some good hunting buddies but they are all in Heaven .I have hunteed alone the past 10 years or so .
I am suprised there are no women hunters on this forum .I bet i have over 600 that hunt on my facebook .I have taken a few girlfriends hunting but they just didnt get into it .One of my women friends on fb has the worldrecord for smallest group at 1000 yards by a woman .A friend in Alaska was only one of three women that had shot every species of large game in North America including polar bear walrus and jaguar Ethel Leady was her name her and her hisband hunted together forever .They sheep hunted till the age of 75 together .
Western tags are wild. It depends on a lot of things. Work schedules, season dates etc.

On top of that most of us are playing our own game in the tag system, so split partying depending on the state doesn't' usually work.

There for most big hunts I'm usually alone.

But if head family historically pic up otc with me. When the draws didn't work. That's not really the case anymore since OTC is all but going away across the west.
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