Farthest Elk Kill with either/or 30-06/270?


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2014
Sandy, UT
I'd like to hear from you guys that have killed bull or cow elk with either/both the 30-06/270. What were your loads/bullets and type of terrain you normally hunt? (Its hot outside, give me the scoop!:) )
My grandpa killed a big 6 pt bull with his 30-06 at 620 yds. 180 grain Nosler partition. It was in the snow and he thought he was closer. He never used a rangefinder and guessed it to be 500 yds. His bullet hit by its feet and he could see the splash and held over accordingly. Next shot he double lunged it. Walked up to 300 yds and finished it off. It was laying down with it's head up. He was a land surveyor and got the distance off his topo map. I killed a cow elk at 545 yds last year and a bull two years ago at 646 with my 270 wsm. 170 grain Berger out of an 8 twist barrel. With this combination it's really easy to kill deer, hogs, elk and antelope out to 800 yds. It's really fun to shoot!
Shot a cow elk at 230ish yards with a Ruger m77 mark II in 270 win. punched both front shoulders and she dropped on the spot. Load was a 130 trophy bonded tip from factory federal ammo. The 270 is now my daughters rifle and she will be shooting 145 eldx hand loads, hopefully we can get her a cow this season.
My son shot a bull Elk the last two years with Norma 130 grain soft point. The first one was less than 30 yds. He was walking right to us. The second one was between 330 and 350. He used the same bullet both times. The first Elk went approx 15 yds. and fell over. With the longer shot the elk turned 180 to the direction he came from and collapsed. My younger son uses a Browning A-bolt in 270. win. Neither elk was a giant. The first was a 5x5. The second was a 6x6. Both bulls shot in the Wichita mountains. Hope this helps
200yds IS a long way Pard! ha (I grew up about a 150 miles due West of you, hunting those same bayous/thickets!) It took me 20yrs to get a long shot on a pipeline! :) When I moved out West (the old trappers called Utah the "Far West") I was intimidated by the wide open country. I still feel better up in the mountains, edges of timber/aspen. That invisible wind on the prairies give me fits too! I've had it blow me and my rifle around so bad I couldn't get a shot off, and that was from the Sitting position/with cross sticks!
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My grandpa killed a big 6 pt bull with his 30-06 at 620 yds. 180 grain Nosler partition. It was in the snow and he thought he was closer. He never used a rangefinder and guessed it to be 500 yds. His bullet hit by its feet and he could see the splash and held over accordingly. Next shot he double lunged it. Walked up to 300 yds and finished it off. It was laying down with it's head up. He was a land surveyor and got the distance off his topo map. I killed a cow elk at 545 yds last year and a bull two years ago at 646 with my 270 wsm. 170 grain Berger out of an 8 twist barrel. With this combination it's really easy to kill deer, hogs, elk and antelope out to 800 yds. It's really fun to shoot!
270 WSM very close to 270 Wby. Mag. I killed 2 Whitetails, very deadly. Used 110 gr. Barnes & 110gr. Nosler accubond.