America Taken over by TicTok, Liberals, Hamas

Their parents are probably the most to blame here. Most of these kids have probably had cell phones since they were 7 or 8 yrs old. Tech gadgets have been babysitter #1 for yrs, give a kid a tablet, they are out of your hair.
I'd bet a fair number of adults look back at their college days and admit they got caught up in crap that was not like them as a whole. A fair share of non college educated adults may say the same, we do foolish things at that age.
Replacing Civics classes with social studies was not the wisest move, and just how much knowledge of history does one need to advance in todays world? Math, English type classes never change, history covers centuries, and more history was probably made in the 20th century than most added together. May not have made more, but it was documented in real time. Add in, for HS students, there is not one standard history book teachers use to help inform students. 40 yrs ago, most of us here would have advocated One book as the standard, today, we should be thankful that it is not just one, because we may not have the say in it that we think we deserve. These kids are not being taught the consequences of living in societies unlike what we have as US citizens.
Being taught, socialism good-communism bad without pointing how thin that line actually is, is a very dangerous proposition.
Not much thought is going into supporting a group of people who will eradicate your alternate lifestyle if given the opportunity.
Socialism is just communism lite
This is just bad patenting 3-5 generations deep. For their capacity the ww2 generation didn't raise the best kids, push come to shove they could actually step up and work after the petulant stage through the 60s and 70s. Sadly they weren't any better at patenting, but latch key kids (gen x) still had some moral values and capacity for work. Ironically while almost eliminated from the cultural conversation seem to be a decent lot of folks akin to their grandparents. Old gen x and late boomers raised millennials, without the moral cultural structure or economy they had enjoyed. Ironic that the millennial/boomer paradox or conflict ever was a thing. Two generations marked by very similar cultural events being at odds makes for a good laugh.

Then we get to gen z, a group raised predominantly by gen x. In a weird way the good might be better than the two generations before them. But the mass is not. Sadly gen x as a rule wasn't much for parenting either, without the cultural and religious institutions they enjoyed the mass of their children are what we see today.

Destructive, narcissistic, androgynous vapid adult children screaming at the sky whenever a perceived group they ally with is wronged. Desperate to cling to some kind of purpose gradually lost in the last three generations of "progress".

Wanna see change; marry a decent person, raise kids with a moral code, authentically try and live up to that code in front of them. World change comes through that.

Those videos show masses that needed a belt and a Bible from a father that cared.
Where are the parents in all of this??
I just got home from the hospital from an injury i incurred while in the service so these kids can have free speech.
I was in the Marines back then (70s) and the protesters would spit on me when coming home threw LA. Now when I got home in BEAR CREEK PA I was welcomed as a hero.

After the end of the VN War I didn't agree with everything that the US did back then, but not chant Kill Americans.

What I see is these rich kids that all there life was never told NO! How did their parents make so much money to give them the good life and the BEST in the World? And now they chant "Kill America and burn Flags? It would be a sai day for anyone that burns a American Flage in front of me.
Comes down to rotten parenting and the lack of a higher power in their lives.
Can't blame the kids-blame the people that taught them and parented them.
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I was near UT visiting a friend in the hospital when this was happening.

God bless TX, especially our governor.

I was enjoying the vid, right up until about 1:10. Consummate politician trying to shift blame. I have no idea just what a dept of public safety is, but I assume they were like the rest of us waiting and praying someone on LE payroll with some guts would just end it.
I was enjoying the vid, right up until about 1:10. Consummate politician trying to shift blame. I have no idea just what a dept of public safety is, but I assume they were like the rest of us waiting and praying someone on LE payroll with some guts would just end it.

DPS, they are our state troopers.

We have our share to democrats, but Abbot prevail in the end.
I put my daughter through a masters degree . They sure did their best to indoctrinate her and she believed most of it . Now out in the real world she likes to believe , but reality keeps her returning RIGHT back to her roots . Being hard working and raised right still matters in my world .
I put my daughter through a masters degree . They sure did their best to indoctrinate her and she believed most of it . Now out in the real world she likes to believe , but reality keeps her returning RIGHT back to her roots . Being hard working and raised right still matters in my world .
My older sister went threw the system since the 70s and has several masters and Doctrines up to the 2000s. She has tenor in Columbia NY. Tex AMU and another University in DC. There is not an argument you can win with her when talking about women's rights and liberalism. They drained her mind and refilled it. Very Intelligent but not smart.
Have you noticed the ones shouting death to America and death to Isreal in the bullhorn are not doing it in English? They are teaching the words to their stupid followers. Our brightest? Half of them don't even know what they are saying or doing. Heard a tape yesterday that one of them was upset that a cop threw her to the ground. Wanted to know how that could happen in America. All she I'd was hit him over the head, admitting a felony. She is lucky the cop didn't shoot her. They likely would here. The least they would have done is booked her for assaulting a police officer, a felony here.
First Step: ARRESET
Second Step Arrest? charge!!and put in prison camps.
Third Steps: Convict and put in jail.
If in work/student visa and deport
Everyone else in the have a valid work permit go to Gail and then deport.
Visa get deported ASAP,
No refund on student payment for classes.
If you are a USA Student and involved in these riots automatic Arrest for a Felony and dismissed for school, loss of funding and forever record of a felon any.

I am tired and just got out of the hospital =so Gramer may not be GOOG,
I say if they are breaking the Collage rules and police rulES. PUT HTEM IN GAIL GUVE THE A RECORD AND SEE IF THEY DO IT AGAIN, IF THEY DO LONGER JAIL SENTEB[NCES.
i HAVE A LOT TO SAY FROM THE SISXTIES. and how service women and men were treated, (I was one)
There are protests and then there are organized disruption agonist our Country.
When someone rips the American Flag down and burns it in OUR country and no one does anything.
WELL don't do that in front of me. You won't be leaving under your own power, I can assure you of that

There is a BIG CIVAL WAR BREWING. but not between the far left government, and the far right.
It will be internally with college kids attacking ALL OUR INFURSTRUCTURE.+ The United States China and Russia
ALL have been saying to get the war starter is to get a country to have an CIVAL WAL> then they can jut pick up the pieces!!!!!!!! Our kids that we raised

Collage environmentalists that have been indoctrinated are already on the fence to shut down major OIL GAS COAL supply lines. The Biden Admin already knows this and wants it to happen so they can push their GREEN Agenda,

The USA is so in the DARK and when it happens they will mostly be Lemings,

If you have a MIND and can actually look at ALL the NEWS Stations to see what is going on in the world and start connecting the dots toy would see what is the future of the USA,
You would have to be an idiot if you cant see that the Stocks are going off the edge.
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