New info on Chronic Wasting Disease

I'm that the shot didn't kill you…..yet!

My brother, whom had several health related issues, though none heart related…..took the shot under advice from his Dr.

Less than 24 hour after the first shot, he was in the ER with heart related symptoms which quickly passed. A week or so later got the booster. Within a few hours a neighbor was driving him to the ER. The small hospital put him in an ambulance to go to a regional hospital… route they "paddled" him twice. Within a couple hours he was in the OR getting a pace marker and other work (can't remember what) done! memtb
Yeah well I had high blood pressure and borderline diabetes prior to the shot. My health isn't any worse now than before. And the long covid symptoms are gone. So actually my health is better now. I'm pretty much exposed to covid and other bugs on a weekly/ daily basis.
I married a gal years ago, and I'm pretty sure she had mad cow disease 🤪
The mad cow disease will kill, or damage you you, no josh, no jive.

We were at a restaurant, my wife and I. My birthday so she asked me to order first. Fillet mignon, a bit of brisket, two plate ribs, and a side of asparagus. She gets upset if I don’t eat some greens.
The waiter asked “What about the mad cow”?
I told him she could order for herself.
Took weeks to get out of the ED.
During Trump's Presidency. After all he funded it and the jab.

True…..he "followed the science" presented to him by those involved in the cover-up and were set to make millions on the hoax!

I'm not saying that Covid doesn't exist……only that the vaccine (?) is likely responsible for many deaths with many more health problems yet to come!

Not all people, such as yourself, had negative outcomes…..but, plenty enough to cause concern! memtb
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True…..he "followed the science" presented to him by those involved in the cover-up and were set to make millions on the hoax!

I'm not saying that Covid doesn't exist……only that the vaccine (?) isn't responsible for more deaths with many more health problems yet to come!

Not all people, such as yourself, had negative outcomes…..but, plenty enough to cause concern! memtb
Nailed it👍. He also didn’t force the vaccine and threaten your livelihood. That came from Obiden!
Nailed it👍. He also didn't force the vaccine and threaten your livelihood. That came from Obiden!
Behind his couple year long appearances, sporting his tribute black C19 mask, obiden gave support to thieves, felons, muggers, and robbers, who also stayed in 100% compliance with the mask laws , while out committing more crimes.
I'm that the shot didn't kill you…..yet!

My brother, whom had several health related issues, though none heart related…..took the shot under advice from his Dr.

Less than 24 hour after the first shot, he was in the ER with heart related symptoms which quickly passed. A week or so later got the booster. Within a few hours a neighbor was driving him to the ER. The small hospital put him in an ambulance to go to a regional hospital… route they "paddled" him twice. Within a couple hours he was in the OR getting a pace marker and other work (can't remember what) done! memtb
I had my cousin who took the shots, first one didn’t seem to affect him but three hours after the second one he had a severe front lobe stroke, been barely holding on ever since.
My son-in-laws grandparents both died within 8 hours of the first shot, both from massive strokes.
5 pages already only 95 to go. A guy shouldn’t talk politics on these forums. Nothing good will come of it. CWD is as political as you can get. And it’s a hoax and been here since the beginning of time. I’ll say that over and over. Unless the government made it or aliens brought it to earth it’s always been here. They are only finding it because they are testing for it. I love it your just a denier your going to get sick your the problem follow the science they are the experts. This is a dead horse. Lock down the post before it gets out of control
If you can still find it you should look up Mark Purdie (I probably spelled it wrong) on his research into mad cow disease and the other forms of the disease.
He linked the mad cow in in the UK to the government trying to eradicate the warbler fly
I think CWD could be linked to the corn that makes its own insecticide.
Ironically Mark died mysteriously
5 pages already only 95 to go. A guy shouldn't talk politics on these forums. Nothing good will come of it. CWD is as political as you can get. And it's a hoax and been here since the beginning of time. I'll say that over and over. Unless the government made it or aliens brought it to earth it's always been here. They are only finding it because they are testing for it. I love it your just a denier your going to get sick your the problem follow the science they are the experts. This is a dead horse. Lock down the post before it gets out of control
So is CJD, scrapie and mad cow all a hoax also?
So is CJD, scrapie and mad cow all a hoax also?
Show me some deer that have died from cwd? Show me the mass extinction of the deer herds from cwd? Prove it. The game and fish departments have killed more deer in the name of protecting the herd than cwd ever has or ever will. Even the deer farms have never had a deer die FROM cwd.