End of an Era - Remington leaves NY and moves to GA

Despite all the warnings from Remarms and the local gov and unions, they pulled the plug. Sucks to be NY. Stupid ideology over tax revenue and the village of Illion. Adios.
Sad a lot of business people and companies are leaving NY. SAD for the hard working people in NY, but they elected their officials so don't cry now. But the bright side is that all the illegal aliens brought in by the liberal government will have a place to squat in the empty buildings and move them out of the hotels they put them in with tax payer money.
We here in GA are GLAD that companies/manufactures are moving to GEORGIA!!! We have a lot of LARGE companies and some that we really do not want.
It is really kin of sad. I knew some guys from farther north in New York who worked their entire lives there. They car pooled an hour each way for nearly 30 years and loved building guns. Upstate New York is not as communist as the rest of the state and they are out voted and ignored by the NYC area.
I know some good people that live in upper NY and over by Eire and they are all pro 2nd and conservatives.
Too bad that NYC runs (ruins) the State.
It is really kin of sad. I knew some guys from farther north in New York who worked their entire lives there. They car pooled an hour each way for nearly 30 years and loved building guns. Upstate New York is not as communist as the rest of the state and they are out voted and ignored by the NYC area.
Georgia is same with Atlanta (and is sprawling suburbs) outvote and ignore the rest of the state.
Georgia is same with Atlanta (and is sprawling suburbs) outvote and ignore the rest of the state.
The Movie industry moved from LA to South Atlanta and all the Movie Liberals moved to Atlanta. There was a Base of Liberals already in South Atlanta. Then to add on to it a lot people from the Blue Norther States moved to North Atlanta to get away from TAXES and Liberal Polices, but those that moved to get away from a Liberal State, still brought their liberal ideas. So, the great State of GA that was a RED State is turning BLUE from a CITY - Atlanta.
Atlanta was a beautiful CITY and now it is getting run down and Crime Filled due to Liberal take over.
I will not go anywhere near Atlanta for any reason.
That's kinda true all over, eliminate one county from Oregon and it's red, 3 of the 36 and its in contention for most conservative in the nation. Washington state in the last election had some of the most conservative counties in the nation. But king county ruins the whole state all on its own. California is one good wave from making Texas look liberal, and Alaska went purple from one city.

Not sure what it is that makes big city folks that way, but it ruins the brain. Maybe its the lack of immediate real world consequences, but it rots the mind.
That's kinda true all over, eliminate one county from Oregon and it's red, 3 of the 36 and its in contention for most conservative in the nation. Washington state in the last election had some of the most conservative counties in the nation. But king county ruins the whole state all on its own. California is one good wave from making Texas look liberal, and Alaska went purple from one city.

Not sure what it is that makes big city folks that way, but it ruins the brain. Maybe its the lack of immediate real world consequences, but it rots the mind.
Look at all the people living in big cities beside the wealthy. They don't work, live off of Government assistance with housing, food programs (they still buy booze cigarettes) and vote BLUE for more programs. Biggest Drug and Sex Trades.
I dare you to drive through South Atlanta Suburbs. It is either PeachTree City with subdivisions where people drive around in custom Golf carts to their Boutique shops or the Projects where if you drive down the wrong street they will shoot you.
If you come out to where we live it is GOD Family Country. We all have a Bible on our nightstands with a firearm next to it!
Liberalism is the cancer that will kill this country. It has it on the ropes now and after the next ruiged election, that will be it.


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Kinda agree with the premise but it seems deeper than that. Progressive liberalism is certainly a cancer, but like cancer often had causes. This one causes by little to no parenting, a detachment from reality and an un-tethering from a higher moral truth.

Best agency in this world is raise those kids up right, and grandkids if you swung and missed on round one. Only took a generation to make the mess, only take a good one to pull us out.