Magpul SS QD vs Harris BRM

I've got several of the Magpul bipods, and consider them impossible to beat for the price point. Sturdy, light, and convenient to operate. I've gotten them all in the $85 OTD range (check for best source).

I haven't had a Harris in 15 years, but I see that they ditched the utterly stupid tension sprung (auto retract) leg extensions in favor of compression sprung (auto deploy) on that model.

Another problem I've seen on Harris style, is that because of the springs on the legs, they can fold up on you when you're flopping around trying to find a comfortable position, if you pull the rifle back towards you without lifting it off the surface. Once saw a novice shooter drop his rifle flat on the concrete bench under recoil. He presumably wasn't loading forward on the bipod and/or sufficiently managing recoil, and the rifle jumped back far enough for the springs to take over and fold up.

EDIT. Harris only 1 ounce heavier than SSQD Magpul.

In summary, I'm not a fan of Harris style. They are solidly built and USA made, but are outdated technology IMO.
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Another happy magpul owner. Have four variants. One posted is newest and I don’t have (pivots/swivels). The older stud only (no swivel) option I believe is only 8oz. Minor penalty for prone option in backcountry for $75 IMO.

New one looks sweet for minor weight penalty.