Rice to clean brass?

I tried rice today, definitely doesn't shine the brass up, it looks better but doesn't shine like walnut media, I think I'm gonna go with that Zilla walnut stuff for pet lizards that bowhunter is using, looked up reviews on Amazon and many reloaders are using it with great results, most saying it's a little more aggressive than your typical name brand stuff. Name brand stuff works good for me but they are charging over 20 bucks for a small amount, I can get 33 pounds of the Zilla stuff for about 40 with shipping and tax. I don't worry about cleaning the stainless steel media out of my cases, I just shoot it and it cleans out my barrel really nice, ok, don't do that, bad joke.
Ok Rain Man 🤣
the hangover math GIF
I'm just saying, if you want to be absolutely, positively, totally sure. And I would say it's a lot easier than counting those walnut shells, I always end up with more than I began with, like they're breeding, lol.
Once you go wet, you'll never go back.
I have two vibratory tumblers, both Lymans, and have used them for years. I hesitated going to the wet style due to cost issues. I finally decided to try it. There is a company that sells the cleaning solution called Brass Juice. I tried it. I still don't even have any stainless needles BUT, using Brass Juice according to instructions plus a cap of Lemon Shine.....cases come out better than new. Blew my mind. I have saved the mixture and have used it four times over so far and still get the same superb results. Just takes a little time for the cases to be on a cookie sheet and in the oven to dry on lowest sitting. In the warmer months, you can just set them out in the sun. Best thing since mothers milk in my opinion!
Been putting a bag over the tumbler, no dust, brass is clean, been putting brasso in it, works great. If this works I'm set for a long time, sick of paying a lot for walnut shells which I haven't bought in a while, I'll put the money in a die or mandrel, those will help me a lot more.
I tried rice today, definitely doesn't shine the brass up, it looks better but doesn't shine like walnut media, I think I'm gonna go with that Zilla walnut stuff for pet lizards that bowhunter is using, looked up reviews on Amazon and many reloaders are using it with great results, most saying it's a little more aggressive than your typical name brand stuff. Name brand stuff works good for me but they are charging over 20 bucks for a small amount, I can get 33 pounds of the Zilla stuff for about 40 with shipping and tax. I don't worry about cleaning the stainless steel media out of my cases, I just shoot it and it cleans out my barrel really nice, ok, don't do that, bad joke.

Ordered the Zilla walnut shells on Amazon, 33 pounds so hope it works out, much cheaper, came to 42.00 with shipping and tax, looks like it will be hard to count though.
I use this with some Flitz and it works great.
Been using lizard ground walnut shell mixed 50/50 with coarse walnut shell for many years. The mixture seems to have a better flow in vibratory cleaner and turns over the brass nicely while on. Add Flitz sometimes to help. Very little flash hole issues. Dryer sheet cut up into smaller 2x2" pieces helps on dust. Cleans and polishes fast for me. I dump into strainer over 5 gal bucket that has larger volume of mixture so when I add back into vibratory unit, the mix is always getting refreshed.

I tried rice once and even added soy sauce but did not work as well for me. Maybe should have tried Teriyaki?
Been putting a bag over the tumbler, no dust, brass is clean, been putting brasso in it, works great. If this works I'm set for a long time, sick of paying a lot for walnut shells which I haven't bought in a while, I'll put the money in a die or mandrel, those will help me a lot more.
Have they removed the ammonia from Brasso? I have not used the stuff since I got out of the military, and that has been a few years. The ammonia cleans brass very well, but is not good for brass.
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