Rice to clean brass?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2021
New York
Got the idea from someone who responded to my post, they use rice to tumble brass, anyone use this method and if so does it take longer and what kind of rice do you use.
Got the idea from someone who responded to my post, they use rice to tumble brass, anyone use this method and if so does it take longer and what kind of rice do you use.
I have seen a few people use it It is effective. Only catch, occasionally you get some stuck in primer pocket
Been using rice for years. I use the large hard white kernel Kirkland brand from Costco. i can't say it takes any longer - it all depends on how dirty the brass is.
I started using this stuff... it's small and doesn't get stuck in flash holes.

Add cap full of car polish and you are set. Make sure you run tumbler for few minutes to let polish mix in before adding brass.

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I use a mix of rice and crushed walnut to clean after sizing. It can stack up in a case, occasionally, and it does have a bad habit if sticking in the flash holes. But, I used to use a mix of corn cob and walnut and had the same issues. It's definitely cheaper than cob/walnut, and easy to find.
That looks like a much better price for the walnut shells than what they sell for reloading, I'm getting sticker shock that's why I want to find something different or the same for a good price.
Rice works great and no peening of the necks. Will not get real shiny but gets them clean enough. When the vibrator is still running lay the brass on the edge and most of the rice will vibrate out. I also hit them with some compressed air just to make sure. It's nice not to have to dry the brass besides not eating your brass like ss rods and the dust from corn cob media.
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