175gr Berger Elite Hunter


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2013
I have a custom .284 Win with .208 Freebore that I'm doing load development on. I plan to use the Hornady 180 ELD and it has already shown promise in my rifle. My question is, how many of you have shot the 175 Elite Hunters? I have been looking into these and would like to try some. Has anyone shot both 175s and 180s and compared your velocities. I'm getting 2830-2850 with the node I found in my .284 with the 180 ELDs. The 175 Elite Hunters have about a 0.060 shorter bearing surface and are obviously 5gr lighter than the 180 ELD. I'm thinking I'll pick up at least 50fps with the same load with the 175gr Berger's. What's your thoughts and observations? Thanks
I have a custom .284 Win with .208 Freebore that I'm doing load development on. I plan to use the Hornady 180 ELD and it has already shown promise in my rifle. My question is, how many of you have shot the 175 Elite Hunters? I have been looking into these and would like to try some. Has anyone shot both 175s and 180s and compared your velocities. I'm getting 2830-2850 with the node I found in my .284 with the 180 ELDs. The 175 Elite Hunters have about a 0.060 shorter bearing surface and are obviously 5gr lighter than the 180 ELD. I'm thinking I'll pick up at least 50fps with the same load with the 175gr Berger's. What's your thoughts and observations? Thanks
I think you are on with 50+ more feet. I have clients shooting them and have recorded kills on elk at 1100 yards with the 6.5 SS
I think you are on with 50+ more feet. I have clients shooting them and have recorded kills on elk at 1100 yards with the 6.5 SS
Awesome! My shots on game will be under 700 yards with this rifle. I'll be hunting with it in the woods and the fields and anywhere in-between. I have a .308 Norma for days I plan to setup and watch 700+ yard fields. I'll practice with this rifle a lot though at all ranges, and I know the Berger's are deadly accurate and work well on game. The 175 Berger doesn't give up much to the 180 ELD out to 700 yards, especially if I can drive it 50+ FPS faster. I just want to give them a try and see how they do.
I think the eldm is also an effective bullet; n game. The Bergers are usually more consistent on bto measurements.
I've never reloaded any Berger's personally. I know a lot of friends who have and they all got good results. I kind of want to try them just to see how they compare to the ELDs. I'm a big Hornady ELD fan and I don't think I'll get away from them. I just have been thinking of doing some tinkering haha
I've never reloaded any Berger's personally. I know a lot of friends who have and they all got good results. I kind of want to try them just to see how they compare to the ELDs. I'm a big Hornady ELD fan and I don't think I'll get away from them. I just have been thinking of doing some tinkering haha
Ya, Im considering the 230 Hybrid in my 30 SM too.
Not sure yet but I like the way they shoot and I can tun them comfortably at 3050'. If I get time, I want to do some expansion comparison.
Do they make more velocity with less pressure because of the bearing surface length compared to the ELD?
After last year with the ELDs several of my friends are running the 175 Berger this year to try them, I've seen some good reports and they seem like a solid choice!
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