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    • 436
      436 reacted to memtb's post in the thread Gulf of America with Like Like.
      America ….. That’s all that matters! Perhaps you’d rather see Murkowski’s rino, socialist demoncraps face on Rushmore...
    • 436
      436 replied to the thread Gulf of America.
      NAILED IT!! Red White and Blue. Cheers
    • 436
      436 reacted to broomd's post in the thread Gulf of America with Love Love.
      Ha! That brought a good belly laugh. The same folks expecting complete economic change in a mere six-seven days were okay with hiding...
    • 436
      436 reacted to memtb's post in the thread Gulf of America with Like Like.
      Fox isn’t what it once was! Spend a little time watching Newsmax and OAN…..you may find that you like them! memtb
    • 436
      436 reacted to memtb's post in the thread Gulf of America with Like Like.
      I think that Google is now referring to the Gulf of Mexico as The Gulf of America! Probably with some qualifications! memtb
    • 436
      436 reacted to broomd's post in the thread Gulf of America with Like Like.
      Amazing? Assuming that's rhetorical?
    • 436
      436 replied to the thread Gulf of America.
      While we're on this subject of name changing like Ft. Bragg and yes it is still Ft Bragg to me as well. The US Army officially renamed...
    • 436
      436 reacted to Ol' Red's post in the thread Gulf of America with Like Like.
      President McKinley was my great grandfathers neighbor and good friend. They were both Irish, and they had a lot in common. I have been...
    • 436
      436 reacted to akmtnhnt's post in the thread Gulf of America with Like Like.
      Before it was changed, someone would instantly give themselves away as a tourist if they called it McKinley. No one has called it that...
    • 436
      436 reacted to Ol' Red's post in the thread Gulf of America with Like Like.
      You are correct. Sort of like calling the Parks highway A4 or the Glenn highway A1.
    • 436
      436 reacted to Ol' Red's post in the thread Gulf of America with Like Like.
      While I support most of his actions, name changing is not one. Fort Bragg should be Fort Bragg. Of course Mt. McKinley was called Denali...
    • 436
      I generally only shoot at targets with my "hunting" rounds for scope zeroing, load development, chronography, and when checking windage...
    • 436
      This is an older Post. See # 24!!! We have the same Alaskan Guide S30V in that Post. Just some of the Knives we used for hunting. My...
    • 436
      My only experiences with the BT's, were the early productions from high velocity rifles. They were just as you said. I swore off of...
    • 436
      I'm glad they made the ballistic tip tougher. The early ones KILLED but omg whatamess 😀 Hit a big doe once at last light , shot her in...
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