Long range

I say again BY DEFINITION LONG RANGE HUNTING IS STILL HUNTING. Imma have my buddy meriam webster come throw a dictionary at you.
I have archery hunted for 30 plus years and can understand a archery hunter starting this thread. This is only my second year getting into the LONG range hunting AND shooting. I have to admit, i have spent thousands of $ on rangefinders, guns, scopes, and reloading supplies since I started this. I'm hooked and I love it. All due respect to people who don't believe in long range shooting, TRY IT YOU WILL LIKE IT. :)
Why is there always someone that's got to be negative? There's things in forums I don't care for but man I wouldn't put down what another enjoys so I could feel more self important. Anyone remember what Thumpers dad told him?
Why is there always someone that's got to be negative? There's things in forums I don't care for but man I wouldn't put down what another enjoys so I could feel more self important. Anyone remember what Thumpers dad told him?

It was something like...

"If you cant say something nice... then get the hell off of our forum!"

Something like that?
Now I'm certainly no self proclaimed "rocket scientist" like some, over the years, have professed to be, Broz will appreciate that comment :D, but I'm still trying to figure out what the hell the point of starting this post even is/was.
"That's not hunting," says the caveman to the archer. "That's not hunting," says the archer to the muzzleloader. "That's not hunting," says the muzzleloader to the traditional rifle hunter. "That's not hunting," says the traditional hunter to the long range hunter. "That's not hunting," says the public land hunter to the private land hunter. Get the point?
I think I got caught up in all of the PR when I bought my new bow this year with all the accessories just to go out and shoot some foam look a likes at 3D shoots. why do I go to the shoots? kind of just like when I take my expensive long range weapons out and shoot rocks. I think it is to practice and be as perfect as I can be in all conditions and terrain. kind of falls under the same catagory. a lot of wear and tear on my equipment just to practice and have fun at the same time.

come to think about it when I shoot a foam elk with my bow the damned thing won't die. it just stands there with the same look on its face. I repeat the process and the same thing happens. maybe I should use my long range gun and see if that will kill him. Is that legal???:D
First let me say i like this site very much but,all these shots at long distances is NOT hunting, your shooting and its target practice. Ask a archer and those who stalk the there game, now thats hunting not practice. Seems we got caught up in a lot of PR, to sell folks new toys. Rich

You are an inciteful, smelly khunt. Keep your trolling efforts out of here.

If you don't like long-range hunting, then simply GTFO.
First let me say i like this site very much but,all these shots at long distances is NOT hunting, your shooting and its target practice. Ask a archer and those who stalk the there game, now thats hunting not practice. Seems we got caught up in a lot of PR, to sell folks new toys. Rich

Right.... Like nobody has ever come across a dead buck in the back country with an arrow sticking out it's gut. Sounds like anything beyond 15 yards with a bow is reckless too right?
Right.... Like nobody has ever come across a dead buck in the back country with an arrow sticking out it's gut. Sounds like anything beyond 15 yards with a bow is reckless too right?

Or a deer you just took and on skinning find part of an arrow shaft lodged in its neck and a buck shot wound in the rump... Yes, welcome to the Michigan short range hunting experience.
i think i got caught up in all of the pr when i bought my new bow this year with all the accessories just to go out and shoot some foam look a likes at 3d shoots. Why do i go to the shoots? Kind of just like when i take my expensive long range weapons out and shoot rocks. I think it is to practice and be as perfect as i can be in all conditions and terrain. Kind of falls under the same catagory. A lot of wear and tear on my equipment just to practice and have fun at the same time.

Come to think about it when i shoot a foam elk with my bow the damned thing won't die. It just stands there with the same look on its face. I repeat the process and the same thing happens. Maybe i should use my long range gun and see if that will kill him. Is that legal???:d

+1 i agree with you and broz's
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