
Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2023
Good hunting here, just ask Sue (our T-Rex from NE). Tropical swamp in those days, so much for global warming. Good walleye fishing in the Glacial Lakes area, so maybe it is warmer now? The covid lockdown wasn't mandatory statewide, but it got everyone out hunting and fishing, a good thing except for the tremendous pressure it put on very limited public lands east of the Missouri River. Most of the long range hunting is done out west in the Black Hills and prairies, the eastern side is typically whitetail country. There is a bounty program for predators and we can even hunt mountain lions! The winters can be brutal, dropping to -40 windchill, and the summers can reach 110 heat index. We've got Sturgis, Rushmore, pheasants, and unlimited jobs in pretty much every occupation.
Hoping to get some advice on how to best take advantage of all this!
Oh, and if you are in western SD or east central WY, hoping to get some advice on a once-in-a-lifetime rifle elk hunt (posted in the Elk hunting forum).
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BTW, for you SD (or western WY) residents, I got drawn for a southern Black Hills Elk tag. Looking for some tips for sure as it is a long way from my usual stomping grounds - posted a request in the Elk forum.

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