Have a coyote family

Jay Byrd

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2021
We have a coyote family that comes and eat table scraps we throw out. We put them in a discarded frying pan about 50 yds. from the house at the edge of the woods.. We have 42 acres and join a river. The usually come at night at 3 AM or early in the morning. I have their picture on a game camera. We are pretty much rural with houses generally a good distance apart. I can shoot safely. I do have some traps and A generation 1 night scope and could mount it on a custom AR, Wylde chamber 223. I would like to trap them but don't want to trap the opossum's, racoons, deer and cats. The scope would be decent with good moon light. Should I buy a caller and try to lure them in in the day time or try shooting them at dusk?
I've never had any luck calling during the day and they could be denned up quite a ways from your property. Dusk to dawn is your best bet for hunting but a good trapper could get it done without harm to the other creatures you mentioned. Good luck.
I did coyote control work for over 36 years and had my best luck calling during the day . It depends on the situation as to your sucess rate as well as what you get used to . As for trapping them it's also a matter of how much experience you have . For me it was best to use gland lure for red fox to avoid un- wanted catch's with my trap set about 9 or 10 inch's back and off set from the centerline of approach by 3 or 4 inch's
I did coyote control work for over 36 years and had my best luck calling during the day . It depends on the situation as to your sucess rate as well as what you get used to . As for trapping them it's also a matter of how much experience you have . For me it was best to use gland lure for red fox to avoid un- wanted catch's with my trap set about 9 or 10 inch's back and off set from the centerline of approach by 3 or 4 inch's
I've found that day calling is as productive as evening, I'm pretty close to a 50/50 split.
Wait, you don't want to trap the raccoons or opossums?

Tell me more please.

And don't worry about trapping deer. Any trap suitable for coyotes isn't a danger to deer. I've never heard anyone in my life say that they didn't want to get rid of the coons and possums..
Opossum's eat ticks. I need all of them here the habitat will support. Coons are to me not a problem as far as I know.
I have released many deer , antelope and some sheep from my traps unharmed before I learned how to avoid them as well as a couple of mountain lions , catch poles have their place in your truck cats don't have much resistance and will pass out fast be in your truck with the windows rolled up when they wake up . A cat setting on your dash isn't a whole lot of fun for you or your tarping , calling dog . Badgers will not go down with a catch pole but my oak handle across the bridge of the nose knocked them out throw them as far as you can when they wake up they snort shake their head and go the other way . Offset jaws with the stamped edges smoothed normally won't do damage to a coon or possum's feet again the catch pole and set them free . I put a gun sear set on my dogs and pans so that the trap fires with a couple of pounds of pressure that helps to lessen the un-wanted catches .
Coon do more damage to their own feet than any trap. I've never caught a coon I released unless you use the pipe set which will also not work for coyotes.
I have released many deer , antelope and some sheep from my traps unharmed before I learned how to avoid them as well as a couple of mountain lions , catch poles have their place in your truck cats don't have much resistance and will pass out fast be in your truck with the windows rolled up when they wake up . A cat setting on your dash isn't a whole lot of fun for you or your tarping , calling dog . Badgers will not go down with a catch pole but my oak handle across the bridge of the nose knocked them out throw them as far as you can when they wake up they snort shake their head and go the other way . Offset jaws with the stamped edges smoothed normally won't do damage to a coon or possum's feet again the catch pole and set them free . I put a gun sear set on my dogs and pans so that the trap fires with a couple of pounds of pressure that helps to lessen the un-wanted catches .
I thought about a spring under the trigger to lesson the catch of lighter animals. Was wondering if a yote would not put much weight on a trap if it feels the unevenness. I have a spare gun sear.
Really the best way to be selectively catch animals is to study their size/food/habits and use a set that will have a 90+% chance of catching the target animal.

For example you can catch both coyotes and fox on the pee-on-a-stick style set. Fox are afraid of coyotes so if you use ONLY coyote urine you should only catch coyote.

Coon and possom both stay in wooded areas so the farther your sets are away from trees the less chance you will catch them.
Also, certain types of bait attracts everything!
Using heavily tainted venison or beef in a dirt hole set out in a (not a corn field) field will tend more to the coyotes and foxes than other animals. Use a skunk based lure to attract the canines. Spray the area around it with coyote urine to attract coyotes and repel other animals. Also use the mound set to catch only 100% canines. Usually coyotes and foxes will find a slightly elevated position to "check out" an area before advancing in on a good source. Having a trap on top of a mound of dirt will catch a front paw. If you do this make sure you have a second mound near by so you can catch 2. Once the first dog is in the trap others will look for elevated positions to "check out" why he's acting weird. Catching a coyote in one trap doubles your chances of catching a second on the same night if you have 2 or more traps.

Other sets you can use are trail sets which causes a coyote to break his step and step in a trap. Your chances of catching a coon in the same set would be like betting on what 2" square Mr coon will step on tonight out of 40acres of 2" squares.

Stay AWAY from fishy bait and shiny objects at your sets.

A coyote will easily walk 20-60 ft out in an empty field to check out a set of the wind is blowing the right way. A coon will not likely be out in the middle of an empty field unless it was just cut from corn and there's sti kernels everywhere.
The gun sear is a V filed into the edge of the dog and the notch of the pan so that they fit into each other . When you set it and then push down on the pan from under the loose jaw it will click into place . If you have tuned your traps the pan will then set level and not have any creep before it fires as the coyotes' foot is moving downward . You bend the cross frame of the trap forward or back to level the pan while you have your thumb or finger under the loose jaw and holding the pan up into the notch . you can rough adjust it without setting the trap in this manner then set the trap and check to see if it needs fine tuned . Remember to work under the free jaw it hurts to get your thumb or finger in the trap . Coyote have a good sense of movement and fast reaction speed as well as sense of smell . I have seen where in the past a lot of people talked of using things like fiberglass insulation under the pan to keep dirt from stopping the pan from falling as well as to keep it from firing too light. I can smell that insulation so I know a coyote can as well as mice ect. . Traps will last a long time the springs on coil spring traps will get weak with time and can be replaced some of the traps have short U's that the springs are held on the trap frame with and they will come apart there with a coyote pounding them on frozen or hard ground .

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