Daughter’s first deer.

Thats freaking awesome. You made un-replicable memories. Was with both my daughters on their first deer. One didnt like it still goes with me hunting just doesnt want to shoot another. The other shes a full on hunting machine. I could not have imagined missing those memories. Congrats Dad and Daughter.......
I like you Bigbrad. I killed a spike buck this year because I drove right passed him standing 10 yards off the road. I was 150 yards passed him and I stopped to open a gate. I told myself if he's still standing there when I get the gun out, load it, put one in the chamber, and walked back around the corner he was going to get it. He was. This was my drag. View attachment 312804Both of the kids deer were like a mile back in the thick steep stuff. I had to drag my daughter's deer out by myself. My deer couldn't have been any easier and the best meat ever! I say "He won't look good on my wall, but he sure looks good in my freezer."
I have no problem with that. Done the same several times. Gettin too for those long drags.

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