6.5-284 load development (changing powder)

Furman ..I dont believe you could have hit the nail on the head any better Brother. Plus the 6.5 Norma is an inherent barrel burner by design, why use a powder that reduces barrel life by 30-40% for an extra 50-100 fps. I have rebarrel twice and average around 1285-1375 rds before replacing. 600-800 barrel life is unacceptable. A 30-378 gets better than that and its the king of overbore magnums.
What if the gun shoots best at the higher speed and the next load down takes you way down in speed....say hi at 3050fps and lo of 2845fps....(hypothetical of course)...
I have tried a lot of powders. R17 is a great powder. I have used it successfully out to 1300 yards. I have had great luck with it in 600-800 yard distances. I can easily get 3200 fps out of a 25" barrel using 130 grain Norma Diamonds. As far as temperature sensitivity, I think it is way overrated. Those of you who work up loads when it is 100 and hunt when it is 20 below are a very, very small minority. In the temperature windows I have to operate it is a non-issue. R17 gets me into a node with the 130s that I cannot get with any other powder. What is an issue is that in a TARGET rifle it is not the best powder because it is harder on barrels. How many hunters really shoot 600 rounds out of their rifles? I'll bet less than one in 50 does. I have thus, stepped away from the 130s and went to 140-143s now. I am going to experiment with the extreme powders but they are not all. I just bought 8# of R23 and R26 to try.
If I cant get retumbo to work, I'll be trying rl26. Only problem with my rifle is that my gunsmith didnt give me a big chambering. My max col is 2.96 without having any marks on my projectiles when I load them. I can get it to 3.1, but creates marks on my projectiles.

I have tried a lot of powders. R17 is a great powder. I have used it successfully out to 1300 yards. I have had great luck with it in 600-800 yard distances. I can easily get 3200 fps out of a 25" barrel using 130 grain Norma Diamonds. As far as temperature sensitivity, I think it is way overrated. Those of you who work up loads when it is 100 and hunt when it is 20 below are a very, very small minority. In the temperature windows I have to operate it is a non-issue. R17 gets me into a node with the 130s that I cannot get with any other powder. What is an issue is that in a TARGET rifle it is not the best powder because it is harder on barrels. How many hunters really shoot 600 rounds out of their rifles? I'll bet less than one in 50 does. I have thus, stepped away from the 130s and went to 140-143s now. I am going to experiment with the extreme powders but they are not all. I just bought 8# of R23 and R26 to try.
Those numbers don't really make sense for COAL. You can't be .140" into the lands.

Instead of using sharpie on the bullet you might make up a dummy round so you have very little tension on the bullet so it just pushes back into your brass when it hits the lands. I can let you know how to do this, just shoot me a text.
Those numbers don't really make sense for COAL. You can't be .140" into the lands.

Instead of using sharpie on the bullet you might make up a dummy round so you have very little tension on the bullet so it just pushes back into your brass when it hits the lands. I can let you know how to do this, just shoot me a text.
Will do!
If I cant get retumbo to work, I'll be trying rl26. Only problem with my rifle is that my gunsmith didnt give me a big chambering. My max col is 2.96 without having any marks on my projectiles when I load them. I can get it to 3.1, but creates marks on my projectiles.
a couple week ago, I tried RL26, for the first time, in my tight chambered 6.5x284N and KABOOM! A 51.4 starting charge was an almost nightmare?! The 143 ELDX went 3219 FPS, gas ports erupted, case was stuck, primer fell out and the extractor broke! It's all better now, but I'l stick with Retumbo and H4831, H4831SC!
Alliant RL-26 49.5 gr. 51.2 gr. 52.9 gr. 53.7 gr. 54.5 gr. Hornady load data.
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Hey guys, just an update, went out with 6 different loads. And I think this is the winner so far.

53.5g retumbo


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Shoot me an email and I will make you a case for your Stoney point , I mean Hornady tool. I have made dozens.

Jason- that is crazy about your experience with R26. Any chance it was mislabeled or something. That doesn't seem right.

Jason- that is crazy about your experience with R26. Any chance it was mislabeled or something. That doesn't seem right.[/QUOTE]
Yes it was! It worked fine in 300RUM. I'll maybe figure it out later, as my somewhat still new barrel, has sped up with the other powders and I'l back them down also.
Few weeks ago I tried rl26 in my 65284...51 wouldn't make 2800fps...i found a semi node around 53.5 but was still only 2850fps....
Next node that showed huge promise with no pressure signs was at 55.8....then my next and final test was to be 56......well a major screw up loaded my powder to 60.1....needless to say it didn't go over well....still hit the paper..about 3250fps or faster...but rifle suffered a need for bolt face replacement to sako style....
55.8gr or rl26 was 3070fps average(five shots) and .6" squared...24.5" shilen barrel...
Was happy with that....now try to get it back in order again....sucks...
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