Custom Turret Systems Review

By Justin Hyer

A small rock glistened in the fading sun, enjoying the last few minutes of the warming sunlight before the freezing winter temperatures took over for the night. Carefully positioned down the draw, a shooter spotted the unsuspecting rock and quickly began to set up for the shot. He ranged the rock at 660 yards on a slight uphill angle, spun the turret of the scope to the 650 yard mark and slowly squeezed the trigger on his 6.5 Creedmoor. The silence of the evening was shattered by gunfire as a 140 grain Hornady BTHP Match bullet rocketed down range and hit the unsuspecting rock right in its center.

The rock was visibly wounded, evidenced by the innumerable rock shards that now surrounded it, but the shooter wanted to make sure it was down for the count with a second hit. He grabbed a second round, this one loaded with a Hornady 123 grain A-Max, made a quick correction on the turret to the corresponding 650 yard mark for this bullet and sent the round downrange. He watched through the scope as the bullet split the 4x7 inch rock in half. The shooter smiled as he admired his handiwork through the scope: 2 shots within a few inches of each other at 660 yards, using two different loads, and completed in less than 30 seconds.

It is crazy to think that 10-15 years ago the scenario described in the previous paragraph would have been considered impossible by all but the very elite shooting crowd. The long range revolution is now in full swing; shots that were deemed impossible just a decade ago are now considered doable by anyone who can invest a little time and money and has a place to practice. This revolution has largely been made possible by recent technological advances that allow the necessary gear to be affordable to the average hunter.

One of the most groundbreaking revolutions to hit the long range hunting market is the development of custom bullet drop compensating (BDC) turrets. Custom BDC turrets were introduced to the masses through The Best of the West hunting show and Huskemaw optics. The show had episode after episode of shooters ranging an animal, dialing to the corresponding yardage mark on the BDC turret, and then killing it at ranges out to 1000 yards! The BDC turret systems made the daunting task of long range shooting seem as easy as spinning a knob to a yardage mark and pulling the trigger. The popularity of these turrets quickly spilled over into the mainstream and custom BDC turrets are now offered for many popular scopes.

While the simplicity of BDC turrets makes them alluring to many shooters, they are not without limitations. In order for a custom turret to work correctly it is vital that drop data be collected and analyzed for each individual shooting system and environmental conditions. A shooter cannot assume that ballistics data off an ammo box or out of a reloading manual will be accurate for their system; it is crucial that each shooter confirm actual bullet drop from their own rifle. Once properly set up the turret will work correctly as long as the designated load and environmental conditions stay the same.

Consider these scenarios: What if a shooter hunts most of the year at an elevation of 500 feet but has a special hunt at 9000 feet? Or what if the shooter sets up the turret for 75 degrees Fahrenheit and goes on a hunt in zero degree weather? Both these situations would require that the shooter set up a new turret to ensure accurate shot placement at extended yardages. Setting up new turrets is not terribly difficult but they usually cost between $50 and $100 and take several weeks to deliver. If a hunter chooses to take an extra turret or two on a hunt, for alternate loads or environmental conditions, these generally require the use of some tool(s) to replace them in the field.

What if a system was available that allowed for rapid BDC turret switches without the use of tools? What if this system was almost weightless and took up less room in your pack than a 3x5 notecard? Best of all, what if this system cost less than $35, was completely customized by you, and could be to your doorstep within days of placing your order? Such a system does exist from Custom Turret Systems in the form of custom turret labels.

About Custom Turret Systems
Custom Turret Systems (CTS) is a company that has designed a unique turret label system that is meant to be a cheaper alternative to custom laser engraved turrets. Additionally, while some consumers have struggled finding companies to make them custom turrets for their particular scopes, CTS can make custom labels for any scope that has a vertical turret surface that is at least 0.1 inches tall.

When the company first started, consumers would send in the necessary scope and shooting data to CTS and Dan Nichols (owner) would construct a turret label and ship it to the customer. While this system worked well, it was difficult for customers to ensure that the labels would look and function as they desired. To allow customers to personally customize their own labels, Dan recently introduced a "Create a Label" section on his website. Detailed instructions on how to use this label creator can be found on the CTS website ( but I will give a brief synopsis of how the software works.

Steps to create a custom turret:

1. Create a free account on the CTS website.

2. Click "Create a Label".

3. Select one of the predefined scope options. If your scope is not listed you will need to select "Other" and then enter information into the Click Value, Clicks/Revolution, Turret Diameter, and Turret Height fields that define your scope.

4. Select what style of label you will be using (see CTS website for information on label styles).

5. Select how many revolutions of data you want to appear on the turret.

6. Add yardage numbers or marks in the corresponding "click" field for each revolution. It is necessary to click on the Revolution 2 or 3 tabs to get yardage marks to appear in the 2nd and/or 3rd row of your label.

7. Review your label and verify that all data input is accurate and the label looks how you want it to.

8. Order your labels from the "My Labels" page.

• When placing an order you will receive four printed labels for $25. Having four labels means you can make a mistake while installing a label and still have three labels to get it correctly installed or have three additional labels to take with you in the field. The labels cannot be reused after being removed from the scope, so make sure you keep the three extra labels if you plan on using the same style label again.

• Your account allows you to store multiple labels and edit them as you please. It is important to note though, that once a label has been ordered it will not allow you to edit it. If you wish to make changes to a label you have ordered, you simply need to click on the Copy button and an identical label will be created that can be modified.

9. Install the labels on your scope turret and enjoy!

• Installing the labels is fairly straightforward and is explained on a sheet of paper that ships with every order. For this review, I installed seven different labels without a single issue. Labels are offered in a laminated (glossy) or non-laminated (matte) finish; CTS claims the labels are heavy duty and will not scratch or come off under most field use. After testing labels with both finishes for several weeks, I fully believe their claims.

Custom Turret Systems Review

Test Setup
For the purpose of this review I used a custom 6.5 Creedmoor with a Sightron SIII 6-24 LRMOA2 scope. This scope has extremely repeatable tracking and plenty of internal adjustment to allow for shots well past 1000 yards. Two different loads were developed for this review; one used the Hornady 140 grain BTHP Match and the other used the Hornady 123 grain A-Max. Both loads shot around 0.5 MOA on the range and were excellent candidates for testing out the CTS labels. The loads were shot in the field and ballistics data was adjusted in Shooter (ballistic program) until drop values for both loads were spot on from 200 to 1000 yards.

Armed with accurate ballistics data, I created three different BDC labels. These labels represent three different options that should appeal to a large number of shooters. All three labels were set up for 30°F and were tested in 20-40° weather. The labels performed flawlessly, providing perfect elevation adjustments all the way to 1000 yards. This is proof that my ballistics data and turret labels matched up perfectly.

Label 1
The first label I created was for the 140 grain BTHP Match load. This label has yardages marked out to 1000 yards and corresponding 10 mph wind holds for each yardage mark; it uses all the available space on this turret.

To reach 1000 yards with this shooting system it is necessary to use more than one full revolution of the turret. The lower row of yardage numbers is used during the first revolution of the turret and the upper row of numbers is used during the second revolution. A third row of numbers could have been added and the label could be set up for even longer ranges. However, slight changes in environmental conditions began to make a big difference at these extended ranges and I did not believe it practical to create a turret for more than 1000 yards with this system.

This label also features a MOA scale at the bottom of the label to allow the shooter to use their favorite ballistics app and dial to a specific MOA value. Many people will like this option because they can use their ballistics app to dial a particular MOA value but have a quick reference for shots that don't allow time to compute an exact solution. The BDC marks also provide an excellent back up plan if the battery in your ballistics calculator dies!


Figure 1. Label 1 before installation on turret


Figure 2. Label 1 installed on turret

Label 2
The second label I created was for the same 140 BTHP Match load but it was much shorter and had smaller numbers. To create a "short" label you simply need to change the turret height value in the software to whatever value you want; this field could more appropriately be called label height.

This label was designed so the user can see the MOA marks on the turret but still have yardage markers out to 1000 yards. This style label may be more beneficial for someone who plans on mainly using the MOA scale but wants the option of having a BDC turret as well. While it was demonstrated that the same task can be accomplished with the first label, the MOA scale on the label is smaller than the MOA scale on the turret and may make it difficult to see for shooters who require reading glasses.


Figure 3. Label 2 being applied to the turret (It was difficult to get the label to stay perfectly straight for the picture)


Figure 4. Label 2 installed on turret.

Label 3
The third label is the most unique of the three. It has a MOA scale and two rows of data, but each row is for a different bullet. The bottom row is for the 140 BTHP and has marks out to 650 yards; the second row is for the 123 A-Max and has marks out to 700 yards. This label was used in the opening paragraph to make two consecutive hits in a row at 3/8 of a mile using two different loads!

This style label gives the shooter the versatility of having two loads and being able to use either of them without switching labels. This versatility could be beneficial on hunts where the shooter may want to use a lighter bullet for deer and switch to a heavier bullet for elk, or use a mono-metal bullet for close shots and switch to a more frangible bullet for long shots. Predator hunters could also find this label useful as they test different bullets for fur damage. This will be the label I use in the coming months as I further test these two bullets on various varmints and predators.


Figure 5. Label 3 before installation on turret


Figure 6. Label 3 installed on turret

Custom Turret Systems Review

Other Custom Label Options
While conducting this review I tried to think of other ways that CTS might help customers who are not interested in a BDC label. While shooting at extreme ranges I have realized how easy it is to dial to the wrong minute mark after the first revolution of the turret. This is less of a problem with turrets that have 10 or 20 MOA per revolution, but it becomes easier to make a mistake on scopes that have 15 MOA per revolution and is very easy to make a mistake on turrets that have oddball revolution numbers (17 for example).

For my scope I was able to design a label that displays values all the way up to 59 MOA! This makes dialing at extended yardages as easy as keeping track of the number of revolutions you have spun the turret. I also created a variation of this label that uses the existing MOA scale on the turret but provides MOA values for two additional revolutions. For $25 these labels should be a no brainer for any shooter that uses more than one revolution of their turret when shooting.


Figure 7. Two different styles of MOA labels

While I chose to do all my labels for this review in black and white, the customer has the ability to change the background and/or the fonts to any color that they would like.


Figure 8. Label showing different color options

If you feel that there is a design option that you would like to explore but the label creator does not allow you to do it, feel free to email or call the company with your idea. CTS's internal software allows greater customization than the internet program and they should be able to create exactly what you want. Eventually CTS will have the better software integrated into their internet site and customers will have complete control over every aspect of their labels.


Figure 9. Custom labels that have line options not available using the online software

Turret labels from CTS offer benefits to shooters and hunters of all abilities. Many long range shooters will love a simple BDC turret with yardage marks that help them connect on long shots. Other marksmen will enjoy having a label with both BDC marks and a MOA scale, so they can use a ballistics program but still have the yardage marks to verify their solution is reasonable. The BDC portion of this style label also makes an excellent backup plan if the shooter's ballistics calculator is not available. Even shooters who dislike BDC systems can enjoy the benefits of having a custom label with MOA values that correspond to each revolution of the turret.

After a month of designing and using custom turret labels from Custom Turret Systems I am 100% sold on their product and recommend them wholeheartedly. Every one of my rifles will have a BDC label that acts as a backup for when my ballistics calculator is not available or when I simply do not have time to use it. You owe it to yourself to check them out!