Zen Ray Bino's VS Vortex Vipers - Info needed


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2010
Victoria, Australia
I just noticed that they ship to Australia so i am very interested in these Zen Ray bino's now.

Tell me everything you know about them please
Reviews, everything

I am also looking at Vortex Vipers which i will get unless these Zen Ray's are better


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I have the ZenRay ED2 in 10x43. Awesome glass! you will have to spend upwards of the 1200 dollar range to reach glass like this. The new prism coating that they are using allows roughly 7% more light transmission than other brands and the neutral color spectrum is incredible. When I rate these against the big 3 optics company the only thing I think that is lacking is edge to edge clarity, this comes from having a wider FOV. The other companies achieve edge to edge clarity by shrinking the field of view until the edges are as clear as the middle. With either the Wide FOV or the edge clarity you are comprimising on design. Point being there is a give and take relationship between the 2. By the Zen Rays you will be very happy with them and don;t look back.
Thanks mate

If i was to get them, probably be the ZEN ED2 8x43's.

Do you have a binocular harness for them?
Will any harness fit or only specific ones?
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