Wyoming elk, unit 124 and 21


Dec 2, 2013
I'm new here. Wanted to say Hey, and ask a question of the Wyoming hunters.

I finally get to hunt big game in Wyoming this fall. I failed to get a bull tag but drew 2 cow tags. I have to thank Wyoming for being decent about letting me draw cow tags without burning my points. I figure it is the perfect chance to learn the elk habits in these 2 areas while hunting, in case I ever do draw a bull tag. Or maybe I will learn the bull hunting doesn't look great and I will try somewhere else next year. I enjoy the more open terrain, since I usually hunt here in north central Idaho, where you don't really need a rangefinder, and hardly need a scope for that matter.

I plan to head out on a scouting trip near the end June, and hope to stay around Baggs, Wy. and scout 21 and eastern 124, then drive over to the Green River area and scout the other side of 124.

I'm going to get the gps map card for Wyoming, and I have paper maps already.

I plan to get ahold of the local biologist and game warden before I go for hopefully general ideas of areas to look.

1. Is there any motel in Baggs? Or should I just camp?
2. Going to bring an ATV but I wonder if it's strictly necessary for my June Scout trip.
3. Any chance that if I find elk in June they will be within 3-5 miles come October? I know they wouldn't be here where I hunt in Idaho. Curious on how elk travel in a high desert area.
4. It looks like vast amounts of federal land in the south with checkerboard in the north of 124. I was going to stick to the big chunks of federal land first, then if unsuccessful head into the checker board country of 124. Is this a mistake?

As far as 21, I'm just going to try to cover as much as I can from Baggs up. No real plan of attack there.

This is all new to me so any comments would be great, especially if you think I have a decent plan.

Baggs will have several Motels and your 4 wheel drive pickup will get you around okay 4 wheeler better for more detalied search. Haven't hunted these areas but Desert Elk are where you find them at that time food and water determine main locations. If you get a Halliburton pickup you can probably drive up to bow distance as they see oil field rigs all the time.:)
The 2 areas you have drawn are very different types of country. 21 has a lot of forest and 124 is strictly dessert country. June is not a good month to learn where the elk may babe come fall but it is a great month to be in the country. There will be a lot of water in June that will be gone come fall.
Thanks guys. At least I can get some experience learning the land and private v. Public land generally.
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