
Re: www.nrablacklist.com

SS, when are we going to start taking vehicles off the streets, more people are killed by drunk drivers than any other means today. Baseball bats? Knives? rope? on and on and on.

Re: www.nrablacklist.com

This is why ALL gun owners must register and vote for pro gun candidates. Being from Illnoise, I've seen about all the dirty tricks and misinformation in the last 50 years I've lived here. Chicago is the problem and those who control it believe if you disarm everyone we'll live safe and sound. But as you well know, this is a pipe dream. As long as man is alive on the earth there will be the lawless few that will be a threat to everyone. They must be locked away where they cannot reach the law abiding and until you do, we will have to defend ourselves.
Re: www.nrablacklist.com

halfbreed, are you asking in a rhetorical way or did ya think I'm agreeing with those idiots?

Add 5 gallon buckets to that list. Maybe there should be "safe and reasonable restrictions" on the sale and distribution of those killers.

If not for ourselves, we need to do it "for the children"...

I've experienced the safety of Illinois and the Naperville area.
Remember the wild dogs that killed a lady while she was in Chicago's Dan Ryan Woods? We arrived out there on that Sunday for a week.
Several day later I had two close encounters
with unleashed/unattended dogs while out with my niece and nephews. That was in the area of the Prairie Preserve near Naperville.
I'll just say that if I had had my 1911 that day, at least one dog wouldn't be wasting air. So much for 911...
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