Woofs @ Colson Creek on the North Fork of the Salmon


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2004
Blackfoot, Idaho
Just got this in an email. So I tho't I'd post.
I suppose it is from last year.

Those mountains sure are beautiful!!

This wolf was shot in the Salmon area of Idaho.
This is one BIG Wolf....
This is what we are up against in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Oregon. These big wolves are eating everything in their wake and expanding their territory faster than we can keep track of them.
Who is afraid of the "Big Bad Wolf?"
Those wolves don't bother anything or anybody??? Guess again. Wendy who sent me this one lives near Challis.
Heidi Leavitt shot this wolf just outside their home down river at Spring Creek. Heidi was in the store and said that they have had a pack running around their place and decided when they heard about them coming their way again, they would try and shoot one (she did have a tag). So the next time came quickly and while waiting for the pack to get closer, they looked in the woods below them and there was this wolf.
He weighed 127 lbs and was a collared wolf and by the time they got it to Fish & Game (which is probably an 1.5 hr drive, Fish & Game already knew about the wolf and said they had been looking for him. He is now skinned and hanging at their place.
The wolf pack had been terrorizing campers lately. Had a couple of guys treed in the cab of their pickup all night at Colson Creek campground. Not afraid of human campsites at all.



DANG THAT THING IS HUGE! i almost thought the first pic was photo shopped till i saw the other two. thats a big wolf. hope to get one some day.
That's a toad!!! They are growing big and fat in an ecosystem that is not able to sustain such a large top end predator.
I have only seen one wolf track in my hunting area this year, wonder why :cool:
Thanks for sharing Roy, that is the best type of wolf I think. Definitely appears to be the Salmon River country. I grew up there. This must have been last winter though since they relisted the wolves and ended legal hunting for them.
An article from the local Salmon paper "The Recorder-Hearld" on January 7, 2010 shows a photo of a wolf Jeff Waite killed on his property which if I recall correctly is located about 5 to 6 miles out of Salmon toward North Fork.


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When we had the season open, I just happened to stop at a friend taxidermy shop, his wife was skinning a 135 lb. wolf.I heard them howl in Lost ck. ID,and the elk hid in the thickest toughest stuff.
It Is definitely a big one. Just for reference, Jeff is right around 6 foot tall. And his German Sheppard in the bottom right corner weighs in at around 65 to 70 lbs.

Yep! I am definitely getting a wolf tag this year.

Earlier this year I saw a lot of very fresh wolf tracks on the South Fork of the Salmon River but no wolf sighting.
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