Wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
Saskatchewan, Canada
going out deer hunting starting tomorrow morning. Got a whitetail tag and an antlerless mule deer tag this year.

Was supposed to have gone elk hunting but COVID went through my household in September when it was to have happened so that put the brakes on things - we're fine, no worries there, just couldn't leave at exactly the wrong time as luck would have it -

Excited as all get out, as every year, but this year I've got a solid 4 day window to hunt all day every day which is a big deal for me - I'm married with 4 kids 4 and under while working on a masters degree and pastoring a church as of yet - it is permanently closing down at the end of next month so I'm navigating all that comes with that right now as well.

But my awesome wife made arrangements for her mother to come stay with us this week specifically so I could go hunting all week - my 30th birthday is two days from now. When I tell people that for my birthday present I get to have my mother in law over for a week some people are REALLY confused haha!🤣. But I'm blessed with in-laws I actually really do enjoy spending time with, and moreover I'm blessed this week to go hunting and forget about my normal life and lose myself in the outdoors (hopefully not literally getting lost :) )

Wish me luck!
Forgot to mention half my excitement is to see how my new load I worked up this summer performs in the field.

120 Barnes tacTx at 4050 feet per second should have that "struck by lightning" effect on a deer I would hope. If I'm successful I will share the terminal performance details here. I
Big success!!!

The deer were active as all get out today and I filled both tags! While it would have been nice to take full advantage and go hunting a few more days it sure is great knowing the freezer will be loaded. Got my antlerless mule deer and a whitetail buck. Nothing special but I'm happy with my day. I turn 30 tomorrow…today seems like a good note to close out my twenties on.


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The Barnes bullet at 4000+ fps kills stuff real dead. Violent. A blender. Here's the exit wound in the rib cage of the mule deer. The size of my hand at least. Bone fragments all over the place, a big chunk of fat and muscle was actually hanging out of the wound when I walked up to the animal.


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First off, Happy Birthday and may God bless you with many more.

Second, I'm glad you didn't get lost 🤣🤣🤣

Third, Congrats on a great hunt!

Fourth, Congrats on having great in-laws. I am blessed on that as well and yes, some people don't get it when you are excited to have the in-laws visit.

Stay safe and God bless
