When NOT to hunt coyotes?

That sounds like alot of fun Fred!
I know that some of the Bambo cutters in Tiger country overseas wear masks on the back of their heads for the same reason. Said the Tigers don't attack if they think you see them.
I called cat in over in the Steens area once. That was a bit spooky. I had a tag but Noooo shot at him. Darn!

well Rupe, I think we know each other. WE must go hunting together. i get it about money being short. i lost a good part of my retirement starting last december and this april i lose more. somebody at PERS apparently screwed up on the formula.

the ranch im going to is near glass butte. i like it out there, but the snakes will be waking up soon, if not already with these warm afternoons we been having.
Snakes! I don't care for snakes any kind of snake. You might say that if you want to see a grown man scream like a little girl, wet his pants, and run like a Gazelle. That would be me!:)
oh how true.
if you go to Hampton, about 21 miles east of me, your in snake country. i love huntin in the glass butte area, but sure gotta be carefull. i dont let wally, my healer out of the jeep when there, gonna get him vacinated against rattlesnakes next month. if he gets bit, then he will have a better chance of surviving the bite.
when im over there, i always wear my snake boots.
I'm leading a group of offroaders over tbere the last week end in June. We'll go on back roads to vet there. This will be the 5th Annual Christmas Valley off road camp out and trail ride. You should join us? It is open to any 4 wheel drive that is street legal. It's not a hardcore trail. Just a slow cruise of the back roads. My Jeep is ovèr built for it but what the heck it's fun.
Go to expeditionportal.com and you can check it out. or PNW backroadadventure.com

I guess we.won't let our dogs out of the Jeep while we are up there. Plus I guess a snake kit might be a good idea too.

PS- and some dry underwear and jeans!lightbulb
QSorry I think we got off topic. Didn't mean to high jack the thread.
So I will keep hunting the coyotes in my area using a mouth call until I can get a elect. remote call.
It's a new year with more un educated yotes so maybe I can get a few before they wise up.

ya, i will consider it for sure. my jeep is just a factory stock wrangler sport, but with a lift kit on it. the left was there when i got it. sounds fun, and im sure it will be a learning expierience for me. THE problem will be gas. i HAVE to go see my daughter in eArly May, and thats gonna cost me alot more than ill have. so ill be broke more than usuall for a few months. but its worth it. i get to see her and my 2 young grandkids. i have 4 grandkids, but the 2 young ones are the best. a 6 year old girl and a 8 year old boy. gotta take them presents, along with something for my daughter whos B day is in May.
ill be getting back an old bronco 2 shortly. it has a bad front axel and wears tires out fast, but it does better on fuel in the desert than the jeep, has only 1 seat and is brown, and i dont care if i ding it up. its perfect for me and wally. even has a radio and a GOOD heater. the jeep radio was stolen right before i got it and the heater needs work. it NEVER shuts completly off. and its gettin miles on it. so the bronco is comeing back at the right time.
i will check out the website.
I just LOVE this 629, 4 inch. Some guys ask why I want/use a 4inch. I TRY to tell them if I NEED it, things will be TENSE, and I will need it to go bang, very quickly, so 4inches comes out of the holster just a little sooner than a longer one. Instead of bang, maybe I sould say---BOOM!!!!!:rolleyes:
It's a kick, no pun intended, I love it. Now that I am into specialty pistol shooting I have even more fun. I shot a 325lbs Blk bear I called in with a Super Redhawk in 454 at 80 yards. what a thrill that was. He is standing in the corner of our little cabin.
You need to try it!

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